#1 (Celestial War- Aftermath)

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It's been awhile since Lucifer-sama and his brothers rebelled against our Great Father. I still don't understand why would an angel as magnificent as he, would do that. Michael-sama said we shouldn't mind what happened but I can't still help it. There are so many question left unsolved.  

Meanwhile, other Angels starts going in the human world one after another, after the Ruler of the Devildom visit the realm. I wonder what the Ruler's doing here in Celestial Realm. I heard it is related with Lucifer-sama and his brothers. This visit cause another commotion within the Realm and Angels start doing things Lilith-sama has done. I guess they were curious what driven Lilith-sama doing such fit. Simeon-sama said calmly to us not to follow those angel's example. I felt that he was hinting something would happened very soon.

The Celestial Realm is in chaos these days. I wonder when will everything goes back to normal. Great father must not realize how great Lucifer-sama's influence is. The Dominions are extremely worried about the changes happening.

Well... that is for today. Raphael-sama ask everyone to gather today.                                                             



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