Mental Screwieness

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"Do you just piss off everyone you met?"

"It's very likely." Hank said through gritted teeth. I'm hoping that Bill Foster, however, will stop being pissed long enough to help us." I hurried to keep up with him, Hope, and Scott as we walked through the crowds of students and into the lecture hall where Hank's old friend would be waiting. Apparently he was a really smart dude.

"Is this guy the only one who can help us?" I called after Hank as I walked faster.

"Yes." Hank growled.

"And you fired him?" I asked tiredly.

"Also yes."

"We're screwed."

"A problem that even the great Hank Pym can't solve?"

"Cut the bullshit old man and tell us what you know!" I snapped as I lept to my feet in front of Bill Foster. "I've had to walk around this entire campus, listen to part of your boring ass lecture on quantum theories, and now suffer through this cat fight."

"Sadie," Scott said nervously. "Maybe don't anger the man who's the only one that can help us. Just go look out the window for FBI agents." I rolled my eyes and stormed over to the window, tuning out Hank and Bill as they fought like five year olds on a playground.

"Hey, guys?" I exclaimed, darting away from the window as I saw something that made me turn about fifty shades paler. "FBI are here, let's go!" Scott sprinted to the window and cursed when he saw that it was his babysitter, Agent Wu.

"Wait!" Bill called. All the adults did as he said, but I wasn't sticking around. When they finally caught up to me, I was already in the back of the van.

"What'd he say?" I asked anxiously as Hank hopped into the driver's seat and sped off.

"Something about using a part from the ant-man suit or something to track the lab." Scott said vaguely "It was really complicated information really fast." I rolled my eyes as Hank drove us down the streets of San Francisco.

"It's not that simple." Hank said in frustration. "I cut out that part when I upgraded the suit." Scott froze and ran a hand through his hair nervously.

"So... if you had an old suit, you could find the lab?"

"Yes, but we don't." Hank said impatiently.

"What if we did?" Everyone turned to look at Scott as he avoided our gazes.

"You didn't destroy the suit." I said with a grin.

"No I did not."

"Hiya Champ, how was school?" I was cracking up as a mini Scott climbed into the van after sneaking into Cassie's school. Apparently she had accidentally taken the old suit we needed. Combine that with Scott's new suit failing on him, and I was practically dying from laughter.

"Come on Sadie, you're supposed to be on my side!" Scott protested. I shrugged wordlessly as I propped my feet up on the dashboard. Hank reached over and smacked my leg with a glare, prompting me to sit normally.

"Where to now?" I asked as Hank drove away from the school.

"We need somewhere hidden." the man responded "We're all wanted, with the exception of you, but you're committing a crime right now by talking to us so..."

"Let's go somewhere hidden."

"How's it coming?" I asked tiredly as I watched Hope and Hank attach the new components to the quantum tunnel.

"Slow." Hank responded "It's hard to pin point an exact position or even a relative position of Janet." I frowned as I tried to think of a solution, but the next second I was practically shoved out of my chair by Scott.

"Ow! What the hell Scott!" I snapped. He didn't seem to hear me as he typed something into the keyboard furiously and I slugged him in the arm. Only then did he acknowledge my presence, and by then Hank and Hope had come over to see what was going on.

"I'm sorry Dear, but I don't have much time and I didn't know your name to tell you to move." Scott said distantly. I scoffed at that half ass excuse, but the next second, something popped into my brain.

"Ms. Van Dyne?" I questioned incredulously. Hope and Hank's eyes widened as I said this.

"You're a smart cookie." the woman inside Scott responded "I implanted a relay in Scott when he went into the quantum realm, and finally I was able to tap in and come back, even if for a second."

"Mom?" Hope whispered as she moved closer. Scott/Janet smiled fondly at her and cupped Hope's cheek.

"Hi Jellybean." she said softly. She said hi to Hank too before continuing with her work. She found a coordinate and the family smiled at the thought of finally being able to be reunited. I pretty much tuned out until Janet was out of Scott's head, leaving him completely clueless to what had just happened. Then I walked over to the confused man and punched him... again.

"You pushed me." I said with a smirk.


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