Catch Up

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 "So what was it like?" I called over to Pietro as we took turns killing aliens. "Did you see anything cool while you were dust?"

"Not really," he answered, "I thought I took a nap!" I laughed and took another shot at a, particularly vicious alien. "Have you seen the Parker kid?" he asked. I bit my lip and shook my head, the thought of seeing Peter was a little too much for me right now. Looking at it reasonably, I was now nineteen and he was still fifteen so... Yeah.

"Sadie!" I whirled around and my heart dropped as I saw the excited face of Peter Parker. "Are you ok? You're bleeding! Wait, how come you look older?"

"Well, five years will do that to you," I joked, feeling horrible when I saw his face crumple.

"It was five years?" Peter looked around with wide eyes before looking back at me. "Oh."

"Hey," I said softly, "whatever happened with that girl who you went to homecoming with? She seemed nice."

"She moved, and her dad was a villain." I fought back a smile, but Peter was already laughing.

"What about the girl who's on the decathlon team with you?" Peter shrugged his shoulders as we jogged down to help some more of the team.

"I don't think she likes me. She's really cool."

"Well you're Spiderman," I argued, "I would say that's pretty cool." I saw a blush on Peter's face as he shot a web at an alien coming towards us. I was about to run after Peter as he slung towards Tony, but a sudden force knocked me off my feet and sent me flying. Slowly, I caught my breath and turned to see an alien grinning at me. He raised his weapon to probably slice me in half, but we'll never know because a shot rang out and he tumbled backward.

"Need a hand Котенок?" I grinned and grabbed the metal arm that Bucky reached out to me. "A thank you would be nice," he teased.

"Thank you for shooting an alien, Barnes," I shot back with a grin. "Nice of you to show up by the way." He smacked my shoulder before jumping back into battle, leaving me to try and find Tony.

"And I am.... Iron Man."

Well, I found him.

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