The Mission

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"Do I have to answer?"

        "Yes!" Bella, Sam, Chris, and David exclaimed. I groaned and buried my head in my hands.

        "OK, you never heard this from me, but Clint's my favorite Avenger."

        "I knew it!" Bella cried triumphantly "Pay up suckers!" The boys each handed her some money while glaring at me.

        "Iron man." Chris snapped "That's all you had to say." I laughed and shrugged apologetically.

        "I'll make it up to you." I promised "When we pull off the heist, I'll let you mess with the elevators and shut them down." Chris looked considerably happier as we started to pack the stuff we'd need to break into the tower.

        "Do we have everything?" Sam asked carefully "Maybe I should-"

        "No bombs, we're not blowing them up." Sam looked downcast, but perked up when I handed him a paint bomb. "You can put it anywhere in the tower that you want." I said with a smile "OK, are the coms working?"

        "Yep!" Sam called, handing an earpiece to each of us.

        "How about the guns that we are only using on an enemy in a life threatening situation?" I asked Bella sternly. She rolled her eyes and gave a thumbs up.

        "Don't get me wrong," she said slowly "I'm thrilled to be screwing with HYDRA, but this seems less violent than I'd like. And there's less drugs."

        "Drugs are bad. And we'll try to do a more dangerous crime, if we can pull this off." I called as I looked over the map again "Probably we'll break into HYDRA personally." Bella let out a small 'yay' and resumed looking over her guns.

        "Dave, are you good?" I asked politely. Dave never really spoke, but he was good in a fight and he was nice.

        "Yeah." he said simply. I nodded and slung my backpack over my shoulder.

        "Let's go steal some shit."

        "Alright we're here." Bella said quietly as we parked in the alley next to Avengers Tower. She wasn't the only one who could drive, but she was the only one who knew every back alley in New York.

        "Everyone know what to do?" I asked.

        "I'm hacking into the tower and shutting down the elevators and security." Chris said.

        "I'm staying with Chris to protect him." Dave mumbled.

        "I'm your protection." Bella said with a smile.

        "And I'm going with y'all so I can place a random paint bomb!" Sam said happily "Can that be our M.O.?"

        "Sure." I said with a laugh "Do we want a team name as well?" I'd been joking, but they seemed to like the idea.

        "How about The Pranksters?" Dave suggested. We all stared at him in shock, actually liking the name.

        "Sounds good to me." I said. Everyone agreed and we all sprang into action. "Our first mission." I said excitedly to Bella "Isn't this cool?"

        "I just hope we don't die."

        "How long does it take to climb a flight of stairs?" Chris hissed into the coms from his comfy spot in the van.

        "It's easier when you're not doing it!" I snapped "We're almost there, just one more floor... I think." Bella and Sam groaned as we dragged ourselves up the last few steps.

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