A Little Steam

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I woke up with so much excitement practicly jolting from my sheets, I ran to my mirrior to see how much I had to fix. Not much but still work heh gatta make this better... But where are we going I guess I should text him, my tail was wagging with the pure excitement of seeing Barley again.

(Y/N)> Good Morning Bar Bar! I wanted to ask where are we going? I just need to know what to wear lol

I sat on my bed and waited not much I can do when I don't know what to wear...

Barley> Heh no where fancy, and Bar Bar? What's that about ^-^

(Y/N)> Oh I didn't mean anything about it just thought I should give you a nickname by now. Coming at the same time?

Barley> Yup see you soon cutie!

Ahhh cutie that's a step forward! Well since it's no where fancy I put on my regular wear with a couple of flairs like some acessorys, clips, and a braclet that was a beautiful shade of (F/C). Taking a deep breath I looked in the mirror once again, "That's way better!" Oh Barley why can't you get here faster!!!


Barley pulled up to the small mushroom house but this time he knocked on the door, I rushed over and opened it he looks better everytime I see him.. "Hmmm" i said with a smile looking at him. "Does my fair maiden care for a walk in the park with some snack within Gwenavire?" He gave a small bow and holding his hand to the van then mine. "Of course Bar Bar Heh" I took his hand and walked to the van closing the door behind me. he opened the door for me and I hopped in.

When he got into the drivers seat he turned to me "So have any music to ride to this time?" I smiled "So Barley the Magnificent likes my music huh?" He gave a small chukkle and watched me pull out my favorites tape. When the music started he offered his hand again to hold, we drove off to the park.

Soon enough we got to the park and what I didn't know that there was a big screen and lots of people lined in their cars, Barley hopped out and opened the back of the van and started seting up. "So what do you think?" He sheepshly asked. My eyes where like stars, "I love it Barley!" I got out and went around to the back where he laied out a blanket for us to share and the bean bags moved to sit close to each other.

"So what's playing tonight?" He sat down next to me dragging a food bag from behind him. "Oh I think it's (F/M)." He pulled out a bag of chips and shared them with me... The movie started and all the head lights turned off and it felt like an echo of words, I looked at him lovingly he was paying attention and I was able to take a good long look at his face... I never relized how much of a puppy face he possess but sexy at the same time, he turned to me and smerked..

Closer and closer our lips inched togeather, and before I knew I was in a very hot and passionte kiss... It wasn't like the last one it was sexy and TOUNGE! Wasn't expecting that heh.. He cupped my face and moved closer planting his other hand on my hip, making me put my hand on his chest "(Y/N) this feels so right.." He whispered into my ear, it made me chukkle and get shiver down my spine. I couldn't help myself and started to kiss his neck and nibble a bit, he couldn't help but let out a soft moan.. That woke something inside of me that I didn't was there I climbed on top of him continuing to nibble, his hand shiffted to my lower back and hips "(Y/N) do I need to close the doors?" He whispered "No I like this for now" I said with a smile and looking deep in his eyes.. Then what I waited for, for so long now... "Hey uh I think this might be sudden.." We sat up but his hands where still on my hips "But would you do me the pleassure of being my fair madien?... My girlfriend maybe?" I lit up with joy "Of course Barley!"

That night was the best night of my life.. I wonder what there is to come?..

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