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I woke up and rembered Barley. I looked out my window and It almost looked like the afternoon, I got the courage to text him...

(Y/N)> Hey It's (Y/N) from the park, Good morning :)

Barley> Hey! Have any plans today? And Good morning to you too fair maiden 

I laughed a little at his charm. 

(Y/N)> Nope no plans today, what do you have in mind?

Barley> Well would you want to get something to eat?

(Y/N)> Barley Lightfoot are you asking me on a date?

As soon as I hit send my body went cold, OH SHIT what did I just doooo.... I fliped my phone and hugged my pillow soon enough I heard the ping of his text.... I looked..

Barley> Duh, your really cool and last night made me think. So wanna go on a date with me?

I almost jusmped to the ceiling squealing

(Y/N)> Of course Barley!!!

Barley> Nice! I'll pick you up at 2! 

(Y/N)> Wait where are we going???

Barley> Oh the Manticores Taven if that pleases m'lady?

(Y/N)> Very much so cause I have never been!

I got out of bed and immedatly picked something to wear, I picked my (F/O) and styled my hair a bit and just a little make up. Looking in the mirror I took a deep breath "Ok ready." I heard a honk at the door.

I steped outside and hoped in the van, when I turned my head to him my heart melted...He was wearing a black polo shirt and jeans, I don't know what it was but he looked so handsome even with the beanie still atop his head. oh I think i'm falling in love...

"Well don't you look nice" I teased "Not as good as you fair lady." I smiled and looked at the radio and had an idea. "Hey mind if I play something?" "Yeah I don't care it jsut takes cests though" He said flashing his eyes at me as I was rummaging through my burse and pulled one out, his eyes widdened not expecting me to know. it was labeled FAVORITES!! 

The music started to play (Up above for the music)  I mouthed every word and did my own little guitar solo, when I looked at Barley he was blushing this time. I turned it down a little

"Whats wrong?" He looked at me wide eyes "Oh nothing just didn't take you for the person who would like the same music as me, maily cause people don't like this sorta stuff heh." I smiled and gave into his chrisma. "Well it's nice to know that we are into the same music now." I smiled and put a hand on his shoulder, he lit up and gave such a sweet smile. 

We enjoyed the meal and back into the van, this night couldn't get any better.. "Hey (Y/N) uh I was kind of wondering if you would like to go on another date here in a couple of days?" oh Barley how could you get any better.. "Well of course heh, I had so much fun tonight." I gatta do it go got the kill just kiss him on the cheek come on.

Barley's POV

Ok everything has gone so good tonight why not just go fot the kill just do it whats the worst that could happen?


Ok fast and sneaky thats the way. "Again tonight was amazing, I can't wait to do it again" I gave a smile and Barley did too.. Ok going in I rushed to give him a kiss on the cheek but I guess he was doing the same, our lips crashed into each other and ohhh the melt I could tell we both felt it.. He held my face and I couldn't help but feel the world around me become more brighter when we pulled apart. 

"Heh that was something.." I told him smiling like a maniac. "Yeah heh wasn't expecting it but, it's way better then what I had in mind." I looked back at him, his face relaxed and leaned in once again. This kiss was so much more sweet and savory, pulling away this time he looked me straight in the eyes and said..

"Your eyes are so beautiful.." I blushed "Heh I can't wait to see what happens on the next date" I got out of the van. "Good night Barley" I said so sweetly, His face grined "And goodnight to you too my fair madin!" 

I got in and relized OH SHIT I sounded so pervy... 'Can't wait to see what happens on the next date?' What was I thinking? My eyes widdened OK TO MUCH THINKING DON'T NEED TO THINK OF THAT YET...

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