Meeting the Elf

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The sun was perfectly in the sky and I was walking my little dragon in the park, "Dang it Crystal slow down!" She kept pulling me at everything she looked at. I looked around the park seeing everyone happy and enjoying the last of spring, but I should have been more careful in a flash Crystal's leash ripped out of my hand and ran off. "Ah Crystal! Come Back!" I shouted to the dragon.

I kept running my eyes on the prize, this prize being my pet. Everything was so blurry around me and I was so focused on the leash I didn't see the person in front of me that of course.... I ran into and fell down to the ground. "UHhh" I then let out a defeating sigh that I was beaten by a dragon..

 "Woah are you okay!?" A tall big blue elf stood above me holding out his hand. I looked up and the way he was dressed captured me, he was wearing a Q shirt and jean vest with a bunch of patches and dark green shorts and to top it off a beanie on his head. I took his hand and was rushed back to my feet.

"yeah I'm okay just being out witted by my dragon, have you seen her?" He looked around and saw Crystal under the picnic table, "You mean this little beast?" He picked up Crystal and handed her to me. "Oh thank you so much, sometimes she's a little to much ya know?" 

"Oh I know, we have a dragon too." I looked in his Brown eyes and noticed... He's kinda cute, before I knew it I was slightly blushing, "Uh my name is (Y/N). You?" I sleepily asked "I'm Barley the Magnificent!" I let out a little chuckle. "You play Quests of Yore I'm guessing?" He quickly lit up "you play it too?" 

"Oh yeah. I just kinda took a guess cause of the way you presented yourself" I smiled at him and before I knew it I was bright pink. "Hey are you okay your pretty pink." Oh shit he noticed! 

"Oh no I'm good I think it might be a sunburn." Maybe it might be believable cause I was getting a slight burn on my (S/C) skin. "Well are you in a hurry, maybe we could hang out for a while? I kind of got ditched by my brother." He asked with a hand scratching his neck, my heart started to beat faster but why do I have a crush this fast!? "Oh no, no hurry I'm just kind of here enjoying the day." 

He sat down on the picnic bench motioning for me to sit next to him. "So did you just move here? I've seen a lot of people around but not really like you." I could only think he was referring to my horns and tail, I can't help to think about my own race. "Oh yeah, I came from pretty far away." He just looked at me softly...He's so calm and I don't know something about him warms my heart. "Well I can't help but know that you are, Quests of Yore tells of all races in the land" I smiled at his dorkyness. "Is it true that your able to sprout wings?"

"Oh yeah just not all the time it kinda hurts sometimes." He looked like he was filled with questions. I guess he had reason too you don't see much of my race in this town, we kept talking the day away before I knew it the sun had set and Crystal was at my feet.

We finished laughing about the campaigns we have done and how they went terribly wrong. And I looked up at the sky to see the two moons pale in the peachy sky. "Hey where's your brother?" He looked around and couldn't seem to find him. "Oh I guess he went home." and checked his phone for confirmation. "Yup he went home... Do you need a ride?" I thought for a minitue maybe I could get his number.

"Oh yeah that would be nice." He got up and I followed him to his Gwenivere the second, I still thought that was cute how he named his van. We got in and I could tell this was a pretty old van and almost sounded like a horse. Soon we where on our way small talking and laughing. "Hey your pink on your face is gone... I'm guessing that wasn't a sunburn." Ah I was found out! "Heh maybe.. But how could I help it when you like most of the things I like.." I started it up again. 

"Oh this is my house!" I pointed out the window, and the van stopped. "So hey uh I know we only spent a little time together but do you might want to hang out some time again?" He looked at me with eyelids lowered and again my heart beat faster. (Picture above of what he looked like) "Well I'd love too but how am I supposed to hear from you?" my sneaky way of asking for his number. "Oh yeah here." and like that my charm worked "Text me when you wake up tomorrow" I smiled and told him good night. 

I got inside and let Crystal off of her leash and dashed to my room flopping on my bed, hm I have a crush Barley... 

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