Staying at home with him

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Akira's POV,
Doctor:"Yeah..but you dont need to panic...beacuse its not harmful..but its a rare poison...I'll give the medicine.."
Seokjin:"Thank you doctor."
With that doctor leave.... And the main door burst open....I saw Taehyung out of breathe...
Taehyung:"I......heard... that........"
Seokjin:"Relax V."
Taehyung finally came done and asked the maid for a glass of water...
Taehyung:"So, How did this all happen?!"
Seokjin:"We don't know yet."
Akira:"I think was in the injection..."
Akira:"Yea....back then, when they kidnapped me...they gave me an injection... I think its because.. of that..."
Taehyung:"I don't know...but the only think I want is that Hyung you will sat at take care of her..."
Seokjin:"I'm not doing that V.!"
Seokjin cannot argue any further and agreed to stay home...
Seokjin:"Wa....wait!!!Why are-you sending all the maids away?"
Taehyung:"So that you dont have problem...ok then, Bye!"
Seokjin:"Taehyung wait.!"
And with that Taehyung leaves.......
Seokjin was super angry.....He came down and....
Seokjin:"Go take some rest..."
And I went back to the room...I couldn't I got up...and went downstairs. I smelled something delicious..I went to the kitchen...and saw someone cooking... I peeped to see who it was...I was shocked to see Seokjin cooking....I didn't realize there was a utensil next to me...I knocked it...and it fell and made a huge sound.......
Oh oh....
Seokjin turned around....
Seokjin:"Did you sleep well?"
Wait....Is he asking me???So normally!!??????????????
Akira:"I couldn't... because I was hungry..."
Seokjin:"Alright then sit on the dinning chair...I'll bring the food....
I sitted on chair...and Seokjin bought whole lots of dishes...
Akira:"It smells delicious..... Did you make this all by yourself?!"
Seokjin:"I did.."
Seokjin seated beside me....I was thinking he was acting good towards me....until....I had a sensation..a hand on my legs....
What the?I looked at him....
Seokjin:"I am doing so much for you...I hope you will pay me back good...Right?"
He gave me grin...and continued eating....I cant deny the fact I am thankful...but this guy is unbelievable!!!!
We finished eating...and I took all my necessary medicines.....
And I went off to sleep.....
Next day,
I saw there were no maids...and only Seokjin doing the cooking...
I felt bad and went up to him....
Akira:"I think you did enough let me help you...."
He looked at me with those eyes...My heart was beating fast...My words were not coming out...I moved my gaze away...So, that I could talk normally..... Suddenly he grabbed my waist...and our bodies were touching...we were that close!!!!
Seokjin:"You want ro say...I was not goood at cooking and taking care of you..."
Akira:"I never said that!"
Akira:"You are good at cooking...Taking care...garnishing...keeping everything are good at work...and...."
Seokjin:"I am also good in bed."
He immediately pressed his lips on mine...I wanted it to break...but he pushed it more that I cant escape....He released.... me finally.... I was breathing heavily....
Seokjin:"I'm going to take bath..."
Akira:"B....but.......wha....what....about the ......breakfast... You won't.. have it?...."
Seokjin:"I already had mine.."
He licks his lips...
Seokjin:"But....if you want to offer more than....."
I moved away from...him......He was laughing.... and left the kitchen.......... THIS GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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