Don't ph34r the reaper

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Simmons: Why is it just sitting there?

Grif: Simmons it's not a "thing" it's a damn tank that could turn you into dust, let's just get back to jack and crystal get into the warthog and go back to base

Sheila is explaining how to use the scorpions turret

Sheila: Ok Caboose this tank is equipped with auto-fire sequences that can be activated by pressing the auto-fire button

Caboose: Auto-fire,Auto-fire, here, here! No, wait... okay, that's more a switch than a button...

Sheila: And one more thing Caboose this will end the tutorial, and should only be activated if proper safety procedures-

Grif and Simmons are still standing in front of the tank

Grif: Okay, you ready? Let's do on three. One...

Simmons: Wait. On three or three and then go?

Grif: On three. It's always faster to go on three

Simmons: Okay, okay, on three

( A/N Simmons has never been in the military but Grif has)

In the driver seat of the tank

Caboose: Here! (Pushes the button)

(A/N the robot voice will be the tank talking)

Robot voice: Tutorial deactivated Auto-Fire sequence activated

Grif counting down

Grif: Ready...

The target system locks on to Simmons

Robot voice: Acquiring target


Church: I'm going for the Jeep, Tucker you distract those two

Grif and, Simmons is cowardly runs away towards the warthog we're jack and crystal are guarding the Jeep

Simmons: (Yelling like a mad man) Oh god, Oh god! Jack/crystal start the car! Start the car!

Jack: Why, What's wrong!

Crystal:(nervously) I think I know why! (Points at the tank)

Jack: OH! SHIT!

Grif who is still counting

Grif: Two...

The tank locks onto Simmons as he runs away

Robot voice: Target locked

Church leaves the rock behind and goes for the warthog while both Jack and Crystal are distracted


Grif finishes counting

Grif: Three(turns around and see's Simmons run to the Jeep) OH YOU CIVILIAN BASTER!

Robot voice: Firing main cannon

Just before the shell hit the Jeep jack used one of  his armor ability a dome shield

Grif,Simmons, Jack, Crystal,and church say...

Grif: (On the ground) SON OF A BITCH!

Simmons: SON OF A BITCH!

Jack/crystal: ( inside the dome) SON OF A BITCH!

Church: (As the hog flips over him) SON OF A BITCH!

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