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9:00 PM

"What is it Mr. Lim?" Taehyung asked giving his full attention to his client who gave him exceeding amount of money.

" I want you to file a case about the people who live in a government area. You know there are people who lived there and I want you to make them leave. I will build a new building there and I don't care what they want just make them leave."

"But how about the people who are living there? Where will they go? People are having a hard time in there lives there and they seems kind um-" Taehyung was cut off by the middle aged man who is rising his eyebrows up with a knowing look.

"-poor? You know Mr. Kim don't pity them. They must work hard so they can have a nice life like us. They can have a good money and income, if they just don't waste time working as a low life then they will have a wealthy lifestyle right now. So in short Mr. Kim I don't care. And I will give you money more than what you received today. Am I clear." He sound like not one of the governors Taehyung thought.

Taehyung nodded melancholy and pity felt for the people who lived there. He need to let them leave in a government lot they are staying. 'So that means he will destroy the buildings that are build there and let his people leave somewhere else and destroy there houses' Taehyung thought.

That place where he started. The place where he is born but sadly he grown up with his Auntie and his best friend Jimin after his Auntie disown him. He live with Jimin in his condominium since the day when both of his parents passed away. He is lucky that there are still two person who cared for him which is Jimin and Jin.

Even though he became like this, a heartless young man but still he has feelings. From the place he called home. The place where he lived before, the memories of his parents that is only left and the reminiscence of his happy childhood will be destroyed.

He has no other choice but to accept what his client want and settle their agreement.

"Yes Mr. Lim I will handle this case."

"Then the deal is settled Mr. Kim" both man stood up and shook their hands from there previous agreement while the governor's son just stared at the two man who set deals, which has no interest what his father planning up too again. His parents are politics but he seems apolitical.

They both finished there fancy dinner both wiping there mouth with expensive napkins. Having essential talks and settling qbityer upcoming plans and projects. The son of the governor has no interest on the topic, he just wanted to go home, sleep and go to party not giving a bit of concern from the scandalous issue he done, giving a bad image of his family.

Taehyung stood up from his sit the governor also followed shaking there hands ones again and bowed as they both bid goodbyes starting their work tomorrow.

Taehyung left in the high-priced restaurant meeting the man who is holding his car currently, giving the keys back to him and his vehicle.

He felt sleepy and tired since there talking last long making him feel atrocious. He just wanted to go home remove this exorbitant suit and wear his soft comfortable clothes which is his favorite silk pajamas.

Thinking about that make him feel pure bliss. He get the keys and unlocked his car going inside driving himself off to the restaurant.

He saw his client outside the restaurant which is the governor's son looking bored as usual.

He gave him a honk receiving a small smile to the younger and bowed himself to Taehyung who is passing by riding his Mercedes Benz.

Taehyung felt more than greater tonight, heck feeling ecstatic right now. He received a huge amount of money and a black VIP card, thanks to his favorite client.

While driving from a dim road path giving him a wide space since it's already midnight and people are resting right now. He is driving in a high speed since his really exhausted and wanted to go home as soon as possible.

He turned his radio on to make himself stay awake, but sadly it make him more sleepy since the song is really calm and slow.

"Ughhhh!" Taehyung whined feeling his eyelids and whole body heavy since he is tipsy tonight from the strong alcohol they drunk with the governor making him feel awful and head aching. The air conditioner on the car is making it worse making him nauseous and wanted to vomit.

"Ugh I'm not going drink again.!" Taehyung whining inside the car while driving his car. His eyes getting more heavier and blurry. 'ugh why did I drink so much that knowing I will drive' Taehyung thought.

The road is complicated since it curvy and he goes to a circuitous route making him turn his car indirectly.

He turned his steering wheel aggressively when he met a white light straight to his eyes, the light cause him to lost his concentration of the road.

Taehyung felt dizzy, he closed his eyes hoping that he won't feel the aching anymore. His breath got heavier and his ears are ringing which caused to bleed. "Is it the end of me?"


Don't worry he won't die.
(Hello its me, I'm back again. This is really a huge spoiler I put here back then😭)

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