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        Maya's POV: 

             The Next Day...

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* the alarm rang. " I turned of the irritating beeping sound my alarm clock made and just thought, 'Ugh I don't want to go to school.' Anyways, I got out of bed and went to go take a shower. I stopped at the mirror. I absolutely hated what I looked like. I moved my hand up and down my flat stomach, but all I could see is a big gut. I just so want to look thin and pretty. I then continued to undress, and stepped into the shower. I love hot showers they feel so damn good, the one time I'm actually happy. After around 20 minutes I got out of the shower and then dried off. That was so refreshing, I thought. I then headed to my closet to find a nice outfit. I ended up picking a flowy sleeve-less crop top and some black jeans. 

        I still had somewhere around an hour before I left for school. "Why did I wake up so damn early" I mumbled to myself. "Ugh" I figured I should text my bff, Everly.

Maya : Hey whatcha doing?                                                                                             Everly :  Just woke up, dreading having to go to school                              

Maya : Lol same                                                                                                               Maya : Hey, I was planing on picking up Nick on the way to school, do u wanna come?                                  

Everly : Ya sure, sounds like fun.                                                                                Maya : 7:15 sound good?                                                                                                Everly : Ya perfect. Thanks                                                                                            Maya : No problem, see u then                                                                                     Everly: Yep see u then. Bye                                                                                            Maya: Bye  

 I have a feeling that today's gonna be a good day. Since I had like thirty minutes to spare, I decided to lay in my bed and scroll through Instagram. I can across one of my favorite posts from last week and read the first comments that read, " Your so ugly." So I continued to read everyone of my comments, " Fatty", " Your so mean."   " You should kill yourself.", "Why aren't you dead yet." "Do everyone a favor and die." Every single comment, hating me, but the sad thing is that I already knew that. I already knew I was ugly, fat, and useless. I was about to shut my phone off before I came to one comment that almost destroyed me. "Your so ugly. Why did Zach even date you? " I started balling my eyes out . I grabbed my pillow with my hands with a strong grip and brought it closer to my face. I burred my head in to the pillow. "ZACH! COME BACK TO ME PLEASE!" I screamed into my pillow. Unlike any other normal breakup, mine was different, my heart still ached since he died. He was my everything. My savior. I would get cyber bullied all the time and he'd always be there for me. 

           Zach and I had been friends since kindergarten. We would always play games and share toys. We only occasionally had fights about who was hosting the annual play date every day after school. Up until his mom died from lung cancer. (Zach had only been 12) His mom already had stage four lung cancer by the time they actually found out, and he was extremely depressed, I had helped pull him out of his depression. After that we started dating. We had always been there for each other. Everyday we walked to school together. Everyday I would tightly hold his hand. 

              We had the same classes throughout the day. It wasn't like either of us were actually popular, but Zach was on the football team. Although he was definitely one of the smartest and kindest football players I knew other than Nick. Nick was Zachs's best friend. My friend group included Nick, Zach, Everly, and I. We would always hand out on Saturdays and help each other out with homework. Everything was perfect until the car accident. The worst day of my life. We had just been driving back from what was probably the best date I'd ever been on when it happened. Zach was driving. We were talking about how we were about to end sophomore year, when a black Toyota crashed into the windshield of Zach's car .

           I remember when I looked beside me and saw Zach, he couldn't move, but lucky his eyes were open. Then she could hear the ambulance sirens, but then everything went black. When I woke up I realized I was in a hospital bed. My first thought was if Zach was okay. After I was cleared, I remember walking to his room, his dad sat beside him crying. I remember his dad giving he the biggest hug I've ever gotten. I kissed Zach's forehead and laid beside him waiting to wake up. Finally after about  10 minutes he woke up. I kissed his dry lips, "I-I love you" as I started crying. "Aw don't cry, please." He brushed my tears off my cheek. "It'll be okay, don't worry. I promise." He reassured me. He knew that was one promise he couldn't keep. Suddenly, he started having a seize, his chest quickly moving up and down, he struggled to breathe. "I-I-I lo-ve yo..." He struggled to say. After that his heart gave out. "No...NO...NOOOOOOOO" I screamed. Ever since that day I refused to talk for the next week, falling deeply into a depressed state. I've gotten better but I still refuse to ever date again. ( Both Maya and her friend's knew she was still depressed despite their efforts.) Warm tears streamed down my face. I checked my phone. "Crap, it's already 7:05" I groaned "I have to go." I stumbled out of bed. 

    Nick: U coming?                                                                                                                                                                      Maya : Ya, sorry I got caught up in a thought                                                      Nick : kk, see u soon  :)                                                                                                   Maya : Yep, be right there :))

          I quickly turned off my phone and rushed downstairs. " Don't forget to eat breakfast!" My mom hollered at me. " Kay mom" As I grabbed the granola bar from my moms hand. (Of course I wasn't going to eat it.) "Bye, mom" "Bye" My mom waved. I grabbed my shoe with one hand struggling to put the shoe on.  After I finally got my shoes on I quickly got in my car and raced to Nicks house. "Hey, so I see you decided to show up." Nick chuckled. I rolled my eyes but manged to laughed. "Get in, were getting Everly today too!" "Kay sassy-pants." We both laughed along the way to Everly's. I loved Nick, he always manages to make me laugh. We finally arrived at Everly's house. "Seems like someones in a good mood." She smirked. I always knew how happy she'd been when I wasn't sad. We finally made our way to school. I was sad because this year we didn't have any classes together. So, everyday we say goodbye before class. " I literally can't believe it! Were already starting Junior year!" Everly blurted. "Ya I know right!" I shirked. "Bye guys" I muttered. "Bye" The sighed. I hugged Nick and Everly and went on my way to room 104 for Algebra. I surely didn't want to go to class. I especially didn't want to see Brad again. I hated Brad. 

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