Prologue : My 'family'

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Its a good day that it's gonna get ruined. I was watering the flowers. My brown and blue wings spread out to capture the wind. My brown infused blue eyes stare to the flowers. I was calm. I love flowers. Their scent calms my emotions and lessen my breakdown. The wind is also nice. But sometimes it gets cold. Too cold. The temperature got cold so I fold my wings. As I stop watering and look at it,i felt a push from my shoulder. Ah great,my sisters are hanging out with the malfoy. My sister bump into me,not even saying sorry and went to him

My sisters,who are Jia and xia are demons. Not only that,they are twins. Which means double the evil. They have a huge crush on the same boy. Draco Malfoy. To the point where they show off how 'lucky we are!' To me. I don't understand and I don't care. I perfer personality than looks but thats my opinon,not my sisters. I look at them. God,that is just gross. They use that flirty voice to him. I can see,he was disgusted. They even wrap his arm around him. No! Too cliché!

I sighed and look at the flowers. I think that sigh was too loud because it caught his attention. Now,he's looking at me. You see,I'm not that handsome. I mean,i have dark red hair,brown infused blue eyes,gate like halo and brown and blue wings. The thing is too messy. But he's looking at me like I'm like an angel.
Wait a minute-
What i mean is,it looks like he fallen for me. I give him a wave and he smiled back. The sisters didn't bother to look at me. They just in love with everything in him

"We are gonna get you some tea! Wait here,Darling" jia said
Yup,he cringe at that name. I also have the same reaction. God,i wanna barf. They walk beside me and whisper "freak" along and went inside. I look at the flowers,trying not to cry. Those insults break my heart. Till then,tears form and went down. Draco notice and walk to me. He sat down beside me. "Are you okay?" He said. I reponded with "I'm fine,that's their typical personality."


"Yeah,they always tell me that I'm a freak or a mistake."

He asked "are those your sisters?" "Yeah..." i answered. "Then,they're mean and gross."
I giggled to his respond. "You are very cute,i tell you. I never seen this red very dark." He said as he touch my hair. "Thank you." I smiled. He wipe my tears away. "It's okay,don't cry." He said. Wow,he's so nice. And sweet. I mean he is a child. We were seven that time. So its normal that he's sweet. He saw my flowers. "These are pretty!" He exclaimed
"Thank you! I plant them myself"

"Where did you get these?"
"I found seeds in my attic. With a book about flowers."
"Ohhh,can you tell me more about the flowers?"
Before i open my mouth to talk about the flowers,i heard a shrieking behind me. Draco covered his ears. Its like his ears drums are going to burst. He turn around,it's the sisters. They walk to us. "Why are you hanging out with that mistake!?" Jia screamed. "I just want to make more friends than you two." Draco responed. "But not him! It can be anyone but him!" Xia added. Then,it seems like Jia had an idea because i heard her giggled. She took the tea cup filled with hot tea.

And spilled it on my hand. "Oops!" She shout. I screamed. And cried. Draco carried me in a bride style and stand up. He ran with me in his arms. "Hey! Where are you going? It was an accident!" Jia laughed. We enter his house. He straight away took me to the bathroom and turn on cool water for my hand. He slowly put it in the water. More tears appeared. Mr and Mrs Malfoy came in the bathroom.

"Oh my Merlin! What happend?" Mrs Malfoy shouted. "My so-called friends poured hot tea on his hand!" Draco repond quickly. I began to sobbed. I cried loudly. "It's okay,it's okay. Look at me." He cupped my face with his hands. "I know it hurts,but you have to hold it in." He wipe my tears. "Don't cry." Our eyes lock together. His sliver eyes meet mine. "Wow,i never knew our son is this kind." Mr Malfoy said. "Bet he'll find a wonderful woman" he added. "Dad!" Draco shouted,embarassed. "Or a man?" Mrs Malfoy added. "Mom!" He shouted.

I laughed
"See? Everything is going to be okay." Draco pat my hair. I give him a warm smile.


It's been 20 minutes and my hand is removed from the water. There's a huge scar where the tea was spilled. My skin was whited at that spot. I don't think this mark will fade away. Draco cupped my face,one side. "I'm sorry..." Draco said as he pat my head. "Why are they're so evil?" Draco added. I didn't reply. I finally repond. "My dad loves them more than me. They realise I was different. So they hate me like how my dad hates me..."

He sighed
"Hey,how about you be friends with me? I'll protect you from your sisters." Draco asked. I was scared. Its not like i fear him. Its my sisters. I should tell him. "Let me think about it.." i said. "Why?" Draco asked again. "My sisters...." i just say those two words. "It's fine..." he pat my head. His skin is very warm. Its calming... "I think you can go back to your house." Draco remove his hand from my head. I frowned. I don't want to go back to my house. I'm afraid that the sisters will hit me..

"I-I...I don't want to.."

"Oh...You can stay with me. If you want" He said
I nodded.

"Oh..I forgot to introduce myself...Draco Malfoy."

"I know. My sisters talk about you a lot. I tell you,that name is everywhere in my house." I said. He began to giggled. "Thats so weird" he let it out. "I know." I said. "What's your name?" He said. "Leo." "Just Leo?" "My dad didn't gave me his last name." I added. There was a pause. Then he speak. "How about I give you a last name?"

"Angel. Leo Angel. How about that?"

" I think that's perfect..." i said.

"Now,I'm going to give you clothes and you'll stay here until you are ready to go back to your house."

"Thank you...." i said.

Draco's soft spot 《Draco Malfoy X reader》حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن