Chapter 2

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    My eyes search frantically around my small room. My heart beat  racing crazily underneath my palm. My hairline lined with sweat. I slide my legs over the edge of the bed, and slump over my head in my hands.  After sitting there for a few minutes, I turn on the lamp that sat next to my bed on a table. I look at the time, and sigh aloud to myself. Then think that my death in nightmare was always the perfect alarm clock.

  I hesitantly walked over to my closet doors, and opened them. Everything inside looked as it did in the dream. The pile of dirty clothes in the corner, and the mostly black shirts hanging up. I sigh loudly and start to pick out  my outfit for the day.

Once done, I walk to my door and unlock all 8 bolts. I walk out into my grey hallway and into the bathroom, that was only 8 steps away from the bathroom.  I slowly push open the door and look inside.

  Inside was an ordinary bathroom, with appliances.  A sink with a mirror/cabinet above. Then to the right a small toilet, and next to it a bathtub with a grey shower curtain hanging above it. I walk to the sink. My eye twitching as I look at myself in the mirror.

  Bags lay under my light brown eyes. My skin pale.  I lift  up my hand and sweep my unruly brown hair to the side.  My nose was red and my lips are chapped.

    I reached up and opened the cabinet. Inside lay my basic toiletries. I grabed my blue toothbrush and toothpaste.  I took took a deep breath, closed my eyes and closed the cabinet.

  After waiting a few seconds, I slowly opened one eye and then the other. I exhaled greatefully. There was no one behind me. I smiled a small smile to myself as I thought this. I then went on the brush my teeth. Once done I oped the cabinet and took out my anxiety and depression pills.

  On the labels it read [Prescription for Melanie Sanders
  Take 1 tablet in the morning for symptoms of depression and anxiety]

I fill a small cup up with water ,and take a pill from the bottle. I take a big mouthfull of water and place the pill in my mouth and swallow. Once again I prepare myself to close the cabinet.  This time when I opened my eyes my mind started to play tricks with me.

  Behind me stands him. But this time he was a faded version of himself, showing me he wasn't real. His face was scruched up in a sinister smile . I start to blink my eyes furiously.  My heart rate speeding up, and my hands going clammy. I spin my body around, but when I look he wasn't there. I laugh a sad laugh to myself and continue in with my morning routine.

  After my shower and after getting dressed, I hed downstairs.  My hands start to get clammy again when I think of the nightmare. All of the blood along the walls, the stench of burning skin, and the bodies that lay around my living room haunt me. My heels clad feet hit the floor making clacking sounds as I walk to the kitchen. I open the fridge and look inside.  I barely ever eat, since I can't think to eat after I wake up. I turn around and lean against the counters.  My eyes look around my almost bare living room.

  Only a couch and a small tv were in the living room.  My apartment was anything but cosy. No pictures of loved ones are around the walls. My heart pounds in longing.

I suddenly started to feel extremely lonely. I've lived like this most of my life, have no one to care about me. Everyone back home thought I was a scared loser, who would wet their pants at the sight of anything remotely scary. I supposed what they said was true, but I then grew to have deep depression.  Even my parents thought those things about me. My happy childhood ended when I was 10.


X sorry kind of a boring chapter X

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