
Start from the beginning

I was going to say something but words couldn't come out.

"I will be dam if I let a hœ put they hands on the mother of my child perioddd" he said clapping his hands.

"periodd" I co-signed laughing at him.

"Elia" He started laughing making me confuse.


"look at Tasha she got a knot on her head" he pointed at her

"Devon you didn't have to do that" I was dying thank god the windows are tinted.

"I had to I don't care" he laughed shaking his head

"she looking like Cardi b when Rah rocked her sh*t" Devon said nonchalantly.

"shut up you making me laugh I can't breathe"

"okay okay okay imma stop"

"I love you I hope you know that sh*t" he smiled at me.

I blushed really hard and looked away

"I still do got that affect on you" he laughed licking his lips and starting the car.

"Stop showing off" I blushed and smiled at him. He turned my head around and kissed me.

"Let's go pick up pumpkin from my mama house and go to Dave buster for family time" he said rubbing my thigh.


"Keep your foot still Semlla" Devon said getting annoyed.

"don't be pressuring my grand baby move" his mother pushed him aside.

"YAYAYA" Semlla screamed laughing and kicking her legs.

"what the fu*k she just said?" Devon asked looking confuse as fu*k.

"she said yaya I guess she calls your mama that" I giggled.

"Semlla say dada" he smirked poking her stomach.

"moo" she said smiling.

"move??" He frowned.

"yeah move Devon" I pushed him.

"where you guys going?" His mom asked "to Dave buster" I said. "awww you guys look so cute having family time" she cooed looking at us.

"yeah I'm going to teach Semlla how to walk" Devon smirked.

"shes only 5 months she only knows how to crawled Devon" I said picking up Semlla.

I did her hair with 2 ponytails and layed her edges with baby gel.

"My baby looks so cuteee look at your little shorts and cute shirt that says
team mommy" I cooed kissing her.

"Why you didn't put on "team daddy"?" Devon frowns.

Semlla and I rolled our eyes together.

"you guys are fake" he tried not to smile at our interaction.

"you have her baby bag?" I asked him.

"Yes I put 3 pampers in there with 4 whipes and I have 5 breast milk bottles" he said holding up the bag.

"thank you daddy" I smiled walking pass him, While I walked outside with Semlla.

"keep playing with me"

"shut up" I laughed which made Semlla giggled.


"you had fun at dave buster today?" I made weird faces making Semlla laugh. She was having a bubble bath while playing with her toys.


"here!! bae" he gave me the towel.

"I want to dress her since
you are wack at dressing her" he said folding his arms.

"okay here dry her" I rolled my eyes.

"watch this I got some sweatpants and a white t shirt" he said grabbing her clothes out of the draw.

"on my god why you are trying to make my baby look like a man" I glared at him.

"I'm not" he smirked.

He rubbed Semlla skin with baby oil. I was staring at him he kind of got me turned on.

I love it when a man knows how to take care of a baby.

The most thing that kept me staring was his golden chain around his neck.

"Why you squeezing your thighs over there?" He looked up licking his lips.

"huh?" I said acting slow

"ohhh you thought I didn't know how to put on a diaper. I'm not one of them, Elia. I keep telling you that" he said while putting on Semlla pants. 

"I never said that. You look really fine" I said looking at my nails.

"girl you tryna give Semlla a brother?" he smirked asking me.

" oh- n- no shut up" I blushed.

"yeah alright just checking... I'm finished my baby look like a lil thug" he looked at Semlla. 

"aht aht you ain't making my baby look like a bum" I pushed him on the bed laughing.

We both was play fighting and Semlla only being 5 months was swinging her little hands on her daddy.


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