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                    Thrid person:
Maya lay in her bed staring at the wall.  

She held cupped her ears with her hands. " stop..." she mumbled to herself. "Stop...STOP" She yelled, aggravated. She couldn't help but start crying. Tears streaming down her face. "Why, why can't you just leave me alone!" She told the voices, who had been torturing her since she turned 10 years old. She remembered back to when she never worried about anything. She'd been so happy back then, a life she could only have in dreams now. 

              "Sweetie, dinners ready." Her mom hollered. "Okay mom, be right there." Maya yelled back, on her way downstairs, she was really hungry that it sounded like there was a thunder storm in her stomach. She always believed her mom was the best cook she'd ever seen. She'd helped herself to a plate of lots of chicken and homemade mashed potatoes and gravy. She couldn't wait to eat.                                                                             You eat like a pig                                        
                 You look like a cow                                                                                                     You're ugly and fat enough

                   Maya had been starving but ended up giving in to the voices . She had eaten about half her plate and decided she was full. " Are you sure?" Her mom asked. "You didn't eat that much" "I'm sure. Anyway I ate a big lunch at school." Which had been a total lie."Thank you for dinner mom!" Maya said cheerfully, keeping her emotions to herself. " No problem." Her mom answered back. As soon as she ended her conversation with her mom, she quickly rushed to the bathroom.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Purge! Purge!                                                                                                                                                                                         It's the only way!  

      Maya put stuck her middle finger next to her index finger and shoved them into her throat, causing her to throw up. After about 5 minutes she throw up all her dinner with most of her lunch. Her stomach craved food but she ignored her gut, this was the only way... the only way to be happy. 

             This... well this was only the beginning of it all.

Writers Note:  Sorry that the "voices" words may not match up.   I'll continue this story if you would like me to.

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