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I was now bigger and I had hair growing and it almost had a mane.

I was at the river as I look at the clouds and I was alone.

The others were spending some family time together and so I left them alone.

Just then I felt a breeze and I saw leaves flying with the wind.

Something was telling something and so I followed it.

As I followed it I saw that it lead me to a cliff and I could see everything.

Just then I saw the clouds form and I saw a someone appear in the clouds.

Just then I saw the clouds form and I saw a someone appear in the clouds

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"Wow" I just look at it "am I dreaming?"

"No Kopa" I gasp "you are awake"

"Who are you and how do you know my name?"

"I am Mufasa, your grandfather and I know you because I've been watching over you your whole life" mufasa says.

"I don't remember you, but you look familiar from somewhere"

"Or maybe from someone" mufasa says.


"Your father" mufasa says and I gasp.

"Who is my father?" Just then I get a back headache "my head"

"You'll be ok kopa" I look at him "if you want to know about your family, then go to the Pride Lands"

"But I don't know where that is"

"Ask the white lion and he'll tell you where to go" mufasa says.

I then see him fade away.

"Wait, don't go yet, I still have questions"

"I'll never leave you Kopa, I will always be with you, until the Pride Land ends" mufasa says.

After that he was gone.

I then run and go to them.

"Guys" they look at me.

"Hey Kopa" they said.

"Hey Kopa" they said

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