Before it's too late

Start from the beginning

« I'm not sure Miss Romanoff would want- »

« Connect me, Jarvis. »

Steve turns on his own transmitter. Instantly, Nat's voice reaches him. Still talking to the man, she doesn't seem to have noticed that the red light on her earpiece has come on, symbolizing Steve's intrusion.

« So you're the famous Black Widow... », says the man as he looks around.

Nat laughs. Steve's heart misses a beat. My God, he loves that laugh.

« Yes, but before I'm the Black Widow, I'm also a woman, you know? »

« Yes, of course - the man smiles - and I guess this is where all the missions are handled from. »

Steve sighs. He never thought it would turn out this way. When he ran away, it wasn't because he didn't want to answer, but because he was really confused about his own feelings. He had only loved Peggy before, and he didn't expect to fall in love again. He had to take some time to understand his feelings before he came back. But she's been avoiding him ever since, and he hasn't found a single moment to talk to her alone. He blames himself for waiting so long. He should have dealt with the situation sooner. Maybe he's the one that would make Nat laugh tonight. Steve observes the stranger. The way he looks at her makes him want to crush his face. The man suddenly takes Nat's hand. But what's worse, Natasha doesn't push him away. Steve feels his whole body tensing. He squeezes the edge of the table so hard that the joints of his hands are white. He focuses again on their conversation.

« Listen - the man looks at Nat's hand, still in his - I know it sounds strange but... are you seeing anyone right now? »

Steve's screaming inside. « YES! » he thinks, « SHE'S NOT AVAILABLE. »

« No, not really. »

Steve's jaw drops. Of all the answers she could have given, he never imagined it would be the one she'd choose. He's so shocked, he's paralyzed. He can't move, even when the stranger starts dragging Nat behind him and they leave the room. He knows he screwed up when he left him, but he never thought Nat would give up on him so easily. It takes several minutes before he regains his motor skills. Gathering his thoughts, he gets up and decides to follow the duo from a distance.

« Jarvis, locate them with the security cameras, please. »

Following Jarvis' instructions, Steve catches up with Nat and the stranger as they enter the elevator. They're still holding hands. By the time Steve decides whether to intervene, the doors are already closed.

« Shit... »

Cursing himself, he runs to the stairs.

« Jarvis, what floor? »

« 52nd floor, Cap. »

52nd? Does that mean... No, it doesn't. Not so fast. Not so fast. Not so fast. Steve turns his head. There's a huge 40 on the wall.

« You've got to be kidding me... »

For once, Steve's really grateful to have the serum. He walks up the stairs hoping to get there in time. When he gets there, Nat and the man get out of the elevator. Steve's heart misses another beat. That's what he was afraid of. He watches them stand in front of a door. Nat's room. She unlocks the door.

« Please, Natasha, don't do this... » Steve begs her silently.

They go into the room. The door closes... only to open again three seconds later, literally exploding under Steve's force.

« Steve? What the... »

Ignoring Nat, Steve concentrates on the stranger. He looks him straight in the eye, hoping he'll feel as bad as possible.

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