Part Three

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As she arrived, she noticed that Agnes wasn't there. There was the drunk man who was always there at the bar, the waitresses, and a few college kids that were studying. She sat down at the nearest table.

"Can I get you anything?" a waitress asked her.

"Could I have two hot chocolates, please?" Remi asked.

"Of course," said the waitress, already heading back to the kitchen.

Finally, after the hot chocolates had been served, Agnes McGoogle stumbled through the door. Remi waved at her, trying to get her attention. Agnes easily spotted her and marched over to the table.

"I got us hot chocolates to drink while we discussed the plan," Remi said.

'Perfect. I think that we should go to his house and try to confront him during his scheming. That way, we can take notes and catch him in the act. He also won't be super prepared, so we can duke it out with him for funsies. We'll almost be guaranteed a win. Finally, we can take our notes to Fox 40 and get famous," Agnes responded.

For a moment, Remi's jaw was hitting the floor. She had no idea that Agnes Calister McGoogle, the strangest person in Portland, could sound so smart!

"Umm... yeah! Totally!" said Remi.

"Cold legumes. Let's wrap up our hot chocolate, take note of inventory, and go to stop this toothbrush-stealing beast," exclaimed Agnes.

And so, our heroine and her sidekick declared the meeting adjourned and left to go stop the supposedly indestructible villain, The Smoke (dun dun dun!)

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