Chapter 16: Goodbye

Start from the beginning

Suzy's jaw dropped. "Excuse me?"

"This is my home, Miss Bae, and your presence here is no longer desired."

"I'm sorry if I've done something to offend you, but…"

"If? You are the reason my son is dead," he growled, his eyes burning into her. "You turned my sons against each other. If you hadn't seduced my son, then cast him aside as soon as Seunggi returned, Sungjae never would have been left heartbroken and angry in that building. You should have burned for your sins, not he."

Suzy flew out of the chair. "Your precious son tried to rape me!" she spat out. "I didn't do anything wrong!"

President Lee moved with a swiftness that was unexpected for a man his age and condition, grabbing Suzy by the throat and pushing her up against the wall.

"Jugule? !" he hissed and spat at her. "Do not speak ill of the dead in my home! You will leave this place and never return, or so help me, I will track you down and make you pay for your mistakes, and Seunggi will never see his family again." With that, he released her and Suzy slumped to the floor, clutching her soon-to-be-bruised neck, gasping for air.

Meanwhile, in the garden, Vincent and Richard were having a similar conversation.

"I will be leaving South Korea in a few hours," Richard announced.

"That's the best news I've heard in weeks," Vincent responded.

"Miss Bae will be leaving with me."

"Like hell she will," Vincent growled.

"I'm afraid you don't have a say in the matter, Mr. Lee."

"We're getting married."

"Let's get one thing straight. I could care less about your relationship. Let her go in peace, and she will have a chance to get her old life back. Try to stop us and I'll have you arrested."

"You can't do that."

"Can't I? You are no longer welcome in the United States. Leaving the country while under investigation was a bad move, Mr. Lee."

"What? It was you who told us to come here in the first place!"

"Furthermore," Richard continued, ignoring Vincent's protests," if you try to enter the country, I will make sure Miss Bae spends the next five years in federal prison for conspiracy to commit fraud."

"You…" Vincent's fists clenched at his sides and his face muscles twitched in anger.

"Oh, do take a swing, Mr. Lee," Richard drawled. "Assaulting a federal officer looks lovely on a visa application."

Vincent clenched his jaw, seething.

"Oh, I see you won't need to make a decision after all, Mr. Lee," Richard smirked, looking over Vincent's shoulder. "It seems Miss Bae has come to her senses all on her own."

Vincent spun around to see Suzy's bags being loaded into the trunk of a car, and Suzy making her way over to it, dark sunglasses masking her features.

"Suzy!" he ran to her, catching up to her just as she was about to get into the car.

She had a silk scarf tied around her neck, despite the heat, and her dark sunglasses shielded her eyes from his scrutinizing gaze.

"You're leaving?" he breathed in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Vincent. I have to."

"No! No, we'll get married tomorrow – tonight. I can't lose you!"

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