Well I guess that's not true. I'd give my soul to Lord Jashin, but I just have no way of knowing how to even try to- I cut my rambling thoughts off, wanting to focus on the bread, to savor it. The cat looked at me with hungry eyes, hungry eyes that have matched mine so many times in the past, so I broke off a piece for the small cat. The cat grabbed it and ran off leaving me with a tiny smile.

I wonder where I shall sleep. Maybe under the bridge? Or perhaps- I yawned, interrupting my never ending thoughts.

I think I'll just sleep here, rain isn't too bad when you're this tired.



Panicked screams startled my dreamless slumber. Slowly and wobbly, I got up and ran to the edge of the alleyway, peaking out to see what was happening. Several... Well, more than several, people laid out, bloody and no doubt dead. The rain had lighten up during the night but it was still strong enough to wash the people's blood in to the gutters.

I stepped back with a light gasp, eyes widening while flickering from each body to body. W-who could do something so horrible? 

"Heheh. See! You fuckers should never question Lord Jashin!"

I turned my head to see a man with hair and eyes just as mine, and I swear he spoke of lord Jashin. But his hair... It was the same shade of a white-ish silver as mine. His hair was slicked back though, mine was messy, uncombed scattered all around my small frame. And the man's eyes, same shade of violet as mine. These two appearances came to me just after I accepted Jashin as my Lord.

The man sharply turned toward my way, causing me to hide myself back into the darkness of the alleyway. " Excellent, another sacrifice!"

But I can't be sacrificed.... Can I? Can a person who is supposedly immortal under Jashin's faith, be sacrificed?

The man appeared at the end of the alleyway. " So kid, how the fuck would you like to be killed?" I fell back on to my bottom. H-how did he get here so fast!? No one I've ever seen moved that fast in my life.

He took out a rather large scythe. " Ah! Nevermind, I'll decide for you!" He gave me a wicked grin before bringing the scythe down on to my leg.

It sliced right through making tears spring from my eyes due to pain. I wanted to yell out back kept my mouth shut. Pain is equal to pleasure. Pain is equal to pleasure- I chanted over, trying to follow the way of Jashinism. But it's stings with a burning flame. So... Painful. My tolerance for pain is becoming expanded though, that's a plus.

" HAH!-Eh? HEY! HEY! WHY AREN'T YOU FUCKING SCREAMING!?" The man seem confused and very, very angry. He was obviously someone who's bad side you didn't want to be on. He stomped towards me, grabbing my hair yanking me out in to the light. I winced, yet despite what I've seen from this man, I don't feel scared, somehow. " Little bi-What the fuck?" I sat on my knees in front of him when he let go to lean down in front of me, just letting me see his eyes scanning my own.

His eyes trailed to my messy hair, down to my neck. There he reached out, grabbing my Jashin pendant.

He examined it closely. " No fucking way."

Now that he was leaning in front of me I could easily see his own Jashin pendant. I smiled lightly. Ah, so he was just sacrificing those people. Which means it's okay!... I think?

The man stood up. " Ey! Girl, what's your damn name?" I gazed up at him, he was taller up close. A black cloak with red clouds was open to reveal his chest and plain pants.  When it came to answering his question, all I could do was shrug. He sighed, frustrated from the lack of answers. " Where did you get that necklace? Did you fucking steal it!?" He snapped at the second question, assuming the worst.

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