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This story is a little side thing I'm doing when I have no inspiration for my other book(s). If you like Naruto Fanfics I would be honored if you read my other book(s),

It would mean a lot ^3^ As for this story. It will not be updated regularly but please let me now what you think. (Also no love interest. *gasps* What? A Naruto fanfic without a love interest? Holy shit, right?) Oh and I guess if this book does become more liked then my others then I will update it often ^0^  But even then, I don't think I'll be making this book super long, which is why I have it under Fan Fictions and Short Stories.

This wonderful cover and title were created by MasakiofKonoha! Much thanks to you!! >w<

Rated [R] Restricted for violence and use of foul language.

(^Tehe, I've always wanted to do that for some reason)

*Story Begin*

"MOVE IT!!" An angry villager yelled at me. With panic racing through my veins I darted away from the streets into an alleyway. I had only attempted getting myself food but the villagers hate me so much they yell at the slightest sight of me. This often ends up with me having no food for days, luckily I can always get water

I guess I don't blame them. I do seem to be troublesome, always trying to take food that doesn't belong to me. Never talking, or explaining myself for my actions. Getting in people's way. Moving town to town, looking for something but nothing at the same time, being a nuisance. I lifted up my black, beaded Jashin necklace, gazing at it. If I hadn't have found that tossed, messy book of Jashinism then I would most likely be dead by starvation or random abuse. I sighed with a thankful longing, wanting more but so thankful for Jashin. I placed a small kiss on to the necklace, almost as my sign of faith to Lord Jashin.

Thinking back on it now, that book said I also had to make sacrifices. Blood sacrifices. I grimaced to myself, just thinking about spilling someone else's blood sent chills through me. It seemed scary, taking another life for my own justice.

Someone's life is... Life itself is sacred. Why should anyone have to cut off the one thing we should all be thankful for? Although, I guess sacrificing  to Lord Jashin is different. That torn book said that everyone who isn't a Jashinist, is an atheist. A nonbeliever. Therefore to make them a believer, and to punish them for not believing. You sacrifice them, letting Jashin take hold of their souls for an everlasting pain. 

Maybe that way they can see how pain is suppose to equal pleasure. Hm, the book said that too, didn't it? Pain equals pleasure. That's one thing I can't seem to get right besides failing to sacrifice. I wish that book hadn't have been destroyed in the rain. All the ink just washed right off from the pages... I scoffed to myself, a new though forming. It's no wonder I don't have friends, I talk to myself too much... Or more like I ramble to myself.

I snapped my head up at the sky hearing a crash of thunder. A small whimper escaped from my lips. Not the rain. It's so harsh, hurtful and having to find some shelter to sleep under is quite hard. Tears slipped out of my eyes as rain crashed down on me. I slid down the wall and laid in the alley defeated yet again. No food. No shelter. No coat. No famil-

A light purr caused me to lift my sight from the ground to in front of me. And there, a small cat that was carrying something in it's mouth, trotted towards me. I struggled to get to my knees, to see the animal with a better veiw.

The cat was pure white but it's paws were muddy from the rain mixing with the dirt. The cat held something in it's mouth, looking at it more clearly I could see a small piece of bread. I sighed happily as the cat dropped the bread to me. Lord Jashin... You never cease to look out for me even when I have never offered you anything. 

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