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This chappy is dedicated to DeidaraGaaraGirls~! I absolutely love your enthusiastic comments! ^__^ 

And everyone seems to love the Gods POV and such, so yes there will be more of them, not every single damn chapter, but here and there ^.^

To the side is a stupid little map of the hideout I drew, just how I imagine it XD I always hate reading Akatsuki fanfictions and not knowing where the hell they are or what they're talking about so yeah!

Here's an explanation for the map. The blue/white coloring is indoors.. Or underground actually because it's in the caverns-Er.. You get it ^-^"  

The weirdly shaped round thingy in the front is just that giant boulder that Sakura breaks in Shippuden.

Up at the top where most of the members are, that's just the hallways that lead to their rooms.

Zetsu's room is round.. for no reason .-. It just is. Okay. Accept that you guys.  

And in the middle is an open area where the training takes place. The rest you guys can figure out ^__^


***Ko's POV***

A sense of wonder and hints of fear were growing stronger within me by the minute. I kept walking, keeping my hand on the stone wall. My eyes searched for any hint of my Master, Hidan or the room I stayed in last night. So far... I'm not doing well at all. But, Hidan said that this would be a test of memory and direction, so if I can't even succeed in doing this then.... I let out a small sigh, starting to let go of the sense of wonder in the new place, hopeless filling the spot. 

I shook my head vigorously at myself. No, I need to do this. I can do it. I've managed to wonder village to village before, this is no different. I looked up at the torches that barely lit the hallways, stopping my steps. This is hard... I glanced around, looking for anything to help me. I cannot disappoint Hidan or Lord Jashin, therefore I won't. " Eh? What's this?" A deeper voice asked to the sound of a door creaking open. I spun around to see a tall man with blue tinted skin and strange features leaning out of a door way. " I knew I sensed a different chakra." He said, staring down at me with an amused look of some sort. " H-hello.." I greeted, dipping my head in a bow. I've seen in villages people do this polite greeting before asking for something, most times the other person will give them what they want, even if it's just directions. Whenever I tried it though... It didn't turn out very well. " Who are ya?" The tall man asked, stopping me from going to ask a question of my own.

" I am Ko." He quirked an eyebrow, still having an amused grin to his face. " Let me restate, why are you here?" I rubbed my arm. " F-for Hidan to train me." The man suddenly laughed loudly, making me flinch. " Ah? That guy? You do look a lot like him, I never knew he has a daughter?" The questions came after his laughs died down. He wiped away fake tears. " Whew, he must have been swearing a storm when you came around. Too bad I missed something that funny." I wanted to ask what he meant by all of this but stuck to the task. " E-e-excuse me, but-t I need to fi-find him!! C-Can you dire-rect me where to g-g-o!?" I stumbled over my words, which made it all sound fast and jumbled up. I looked down, waiting for the familiar yell of ' SCRAM ' 

Little chuckles from the tall man gave me slight courage to lift my head, looking up at him. " Yeah, you're pretty far from Hidan's room. I don't know where it is though, ask Itachi." He jerked his thumb down the hall, in the direction I came from. " Go down there, turn left and go down the hallway you see next. His room is in that one." I titled my head, confusion filling me. I had heard those type of directions before, however I never really learned what they meant. " What?" He asked, seeing my confused face. " U-uh.. What exactly is left and right?" The man gave me a strange look, all the while the amused grin stayed hung on to his face. " What a stupid kid Hidan has. Hm, I guess that's not surprising actually given it's that guy." The man turned back in to his room, leaving me alone and clueless. 

-DISCONTINUED FOR NOW-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora