Andre walked in and everybody started making weird noises. I just said, "Why are you dressed like you're rich?"

"Stop," Andre said.

Tori continued to interrogate him about his outfit. He had a boozé watch. That's top of the line stuff right there.

Some girl walked into the school, "Andre! Hey, Andre!" We walked over to see who she was. Beck had his arm around my shoulders and my arm was around his waist.

"Oh, hey. Hey, Hope."

"You forgot your new scarf," she said, wrapping it around his neck.

"Yeah, forgot. I didn't leave it in your car on purpose."

We were still all here, so we started fake coughing. Who was this girl? Why was she spoiling Andre so much? Oh my god she was annoying.

"Oh, you guys this is-this is Hope. Hope, these are some people I know."

We introduced ourselves.




"I'm Robbie!"

Andre started taking off his scarf. Hope immediately said, "What are you doing?"

"Oh you know, I'm just not feeling this scarf with this shirt," Andre tried to explain.

"When I got you that scarf, you said you loved it! Were you lying?" She exclaimed, causing her to get some looks. And an annoyed whistle from Beck.

"Nah baby. Baby I love it. Let me just put it back around my neck!" Andre put the scarf back on, "Yeah. That's the thing!"

"See, it looks so nice," Hope said.

"Like a pretty leash," Beck remarked. I had to try hard not to laugh.

Hope gave him a dirty glare, then did the same to me.

They made lunch plans. Hope invited us.

"I don't," Rex said.

"Y/N and I have an...uh...a a place," Beck said, pulling me closer to him, smiling. For being an actor, he's a terrible liar.

"I have something to do too," Robbie said.

"Well, Tori, you come," Hope offered.

Andre sacrificed Tori to be the third wheel. Tori tried to object, but Andre and Hope forced her to agree. Then Hope left. Thank god. Took the dang girl long enough. Once the door was closed behind her, I let out a long sigh.

"Pretty girl," Beck said, "But not as pretty as my girl, of course."

I smiled, "She seems...great."

"Very generous," Robbie said.

"She seems really nice," Tori put her hands together in front of her.

"Thanks," Andre said before walking away.

Once he was far enough away, Tori said, "Raise your hand if you hate her."

We all raised our hands. Then I walked to class so Cat wouldn't have to be all alone in there too long.

On the way to lunch, Beck ran up to me, out of breath.

"Hi, handsome! Why you in a rush?" I asked, smiling.

"Catching up to you. You walk really fast, angel. I wanted to ask you what you're doing this weekend."

The Normal Valentine :: Beck Oliver x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now