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Andre's Horrible Girl

Two days later, Cat was getting a drink out of the soda machine, "Can you get me one too, Cat?" I handed her two dollars. I've been here long enough that she should know what I wanted.

She put the money in and the two drinks came out. She handed one to me and threw the other one away. She then continued to stand still at the trash can.

"Why?" I asked.

Then the bell rang. Jade stood up and stopped us, "Cat, why'd you just throw your drink in the trash?"

"Cause I wasn't thirsty," she said.

She's got a point.

"But you bought—ugh forget it," Jade said then asked, "What are you two doing Saturday night?"

"We're dog sitting," I said.

"For our mom's boss," Cat finished.

"Oh," Jade asked, "What kind of dog?" This was weird. She'd kind of been giving me the silent treatment since she found out we played poker without her. She blamed it on me. I was the outlet for all her anger right now. I didn't mind much. I admired the fact she was able to be so open and bold yet so nervous.

"I'm not sure," Cat reapplied her lip gloss, "He's got paws and a tail."

"It's a small dog. I think it's a shih-tzu," I smiled.

"But maybe he's an English Paw-Tail," Cat suggested.

Jade rolled her eyes.

"Why? What are you doing Saturday night?" Cat asked.

"Oh just because I asked you and don't have a boyfriend means I don't have anything to do Saturday night?" Jade spat.

"No! I meant—" Cat started.

"I have a lot of things I'm gonna do," Jade continued.

"Like?" I asked, maybe pushing it too far. She obviously didn't have anything to do.

"Tons," Jade said.

"Okay," Cat and I laughed.

"I mean if you want me to cancel my plans to come hang out with you while you dog sit, that's fine. Fine. I'll do it."

"You don't have to," Cat said.


She put her index finger up to our faces, "But you owe me, baby girls."

"Thank you!" Cat and I yelled.

Cat wanted to get to our next class early, but I didn't. I let her go off while I walked over to where Beck and Robbie were hanging out by the stairs. I had some free time, so why not?

"Hi!" I exclaimed, giving Beck a hug.

I heard a noise behind me and turned around. Tori was blowing up a balloon with her nose. I just stared at her, confused as to what was happening.

She pulled the balloon away from her nose, "Ta da! Oh, hi Y/N!"

I waved, still confused.

"You shouldn't have bet her," Beck turned to Robbie with one arm still wrapped over my shoulders.

"Who knew girls could blow up balloons with their noses?" Robbie asked, absolutely shocked.

"Pretty much all people can breathe through their noses," I said, still really confused.

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