Jamie's Turn

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"Why the hell is Danny's Car parked in my parking spot?! Again?! This dude seriously has ZERO creativity!" Jamie shouted, so loud that practically anyone within a 2-mile radius could have a possibility of hearing him

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"Why the hell is Danny's Car parked in my parking spot?! Again?! This dude seriously has ZERO creativity!" Jamie shouted, so loud that practically anyone within a 2-mile radius could have a possibility of hearing him.

for god's sake, don't tell me this is another hidden in plain sight video, where Danny didnt even tell me its gonna happen! jesus christ i better give him a piece of my mind later (which might happen to be a dip in an ice bath!)

Jamie practically stormed into the office like everyone was a mouse while he was a cat. The normal 'Welcome' sign was no longer on the front desk, and instead, sitting there was a Cinema Lightbox that said: "Game on, Evil Boss".

Jamie probably looked as horrified as one of the horrific masks Vat19 sold. 

Well, we'll never quite be sure, as Jamie has already rushed into his liquid-ass spray filled office, which at the same time, almost everything he owned was either filled with clam chowder mixed with oil, or it was replaced with something that is just plain horrifying or digusting. 

Jamie's normally clean (or coffee-stained) 'Best Boss Ever' mug was replaced with a mug customised to the shape of Jamie's face. Jamie cringed, which was also made worse with the sudden realisation that there the smell of liquid-ass in his office. 

jesus christ (sorry jesus), whoever did this must have put a hell lot of effort and thinking into it, assumming that the person still wants their job here

Jamie checked all the other employees' offices, and all of them were messed up like crazy. Jon was in Adam's office, Joey was in Ben's office, and so on.

"What the heck is going on?! Why on earth are you guys all not in your own office?! AND WHERE IS MY BEST BOSS EVER MUG?!?!" Jamie screamed.

The others acted like nothing was wrong.

"I don't know. Nothing happened. What are you talking about?" Joey shrugged.

bloody hell, don't tell me this is another one of Danny's pathetic red herrings

Right then, Jamie's apple watch rings. 

Message from Danny.

"I promise that i have nothing to do with this! I'm even at my table editing for next week's upcoming video!"

Jamie rolled his eyes.

try harder next time Danny, because this time I'm going to win for sure!

Jamie rushed headlong into every single office available, stabbing everything he could see with the giant spoon he got from the giant cereal box in the hallway.

"WHERE THE HELL IS DANNY?!" Jamie screamed, startling Danny, who just happened to be on the toilet bowl, taking a shit.

"Jamie, I'm here. In the toilet. I told you i want playing any game with you." Danny tried to explain.

Jamie was confused as heck now. 

What the hell is happening? So if this isn't a Hidden in Plain Sight Video, What on earth is this?!

Hearing the phone from his office ringing, Jamie ran back, taking the phone call, trying his best not to snap at the person on the other line.

jesus christ, is this person trying to make me fit or something-

The manager on the other end, happened to be Clorox, which is the company Vat19 have a partnership for our 'Will it Clog?'. Jamie tried his best not to sound wheezy and out of breath, it turned out that he had a meeting with them that was supposed to take place in Clorox's headquarters half and hour ago.

great. now my office is going to smell like liquid-ass for god knows for how long

Jamie hastily changed into a proper business suit for meetings, and ran out of the Vat19 office. Racing, he got to the Clorox headquarters in about 15 minutes, in record time.

Funnily enough, when Jamie was talking to the frontdesk clerk at Clorox, the frontdesk clerk was staring at Jamie quizically.

"Mr. Salvatori, you have no meetings or arrangements with our boss. What do you want?" the clerk said, clearly annoyed.

Jamie was out of his mind. 

First, a disgusting shock at the office, now a fake meeting? Whoever is behind this is really knows my weaknesses...

When Jamie got back to the office, he found a whole box of giant gummy worms, one that was half eaten, on the table in the pantry. 

There was a note, which was addressed to Jamie. It read:

'Don't worry, Jamie! I know you love surprises, so there's more to come!'


hi all, this is my first story that i have ever written, so feel free to give me any feedback/opinions! also, full credits to Vat19!

thanks for reading the first bit on Jamie! :D Who do you think is next?

~ s

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