I'll Be Seeing You

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Back to that night.

She climbed the steps so steep that made the staircase similar to a ladder. Her feet dragged along; her whole existence caused an inconvenience to herself.

I didn't mean to. I just wanted him to stop talking. That's all. Maybe I'll just... run away or something. Hide somewhere. Where no one else can find me.


I think i finally understand how lonely my dad must have felt.

She ran her hand along the splintering wood, with it, rather than against. She thought about how, in some ways, she and the wood are pretty similar.

Breaking apart, hurting anyone we touch.

While looking over the railing, she briefly contemplated jumping. The railing does little to nothing to prevent her doing so, just like everyone else in her life.

Nobody would give a fuck.

She peered over the edge, wondering if a fall from this height would be enough to die upon impact, when she heard a crackling noise behind her.

Sydney whipped her head around to watch a tall man in a cloak materialize before her eyes. The primal fear that activated in her was something beyond words. Just thoughts of I fucking knew it. I knew someone was stalking me followed by holy fuck, I and actually going to die.

"Who are you?" she asked, voice shaking. She held the wood rail to stop herself from collapsing.

"Should I be afraid?" She asked, because her first question was not given and answer.

"They should be afraid."

"Let's begin."

"Begin? What the fuck are you talking about?" she questioned, genuinely confused, and trying a little too hard to show that she "wasn't scared" by this scary ass dude.

"Ah, a little spitfire, I see. Just like your father," he nearly chuckled.

"What do you know about my dad?" Sydney asked out of anger. This fucking rando, acting as if he knew her father, as well as her. "Who the fuck are you?"

"That is none of your concern as of right now, seeing as I could easily overpower you," he spoke. His voice was hoarse, but a burly and manly type voice.

"Well, it seems as if that is my concern right now, so explain," she commanded him.

He laughed, as if her attempt to appear intimidating was purely entertaining for him.

"I have greater power than you could even fucking handle," she challenged.

"Oh really? Because it seems to me as though you can't even handle the gift you've been given."

Not wanting to cower, though she knew he was right, she stood taller and looked at him with contempt.

Well, that was a fucking mistake, because with a flick of his fingers, she was tossed back into the railing she had previously been holding onto for support.

Am I seeing shit?

She questioned her sanity at this point, because she had just watched a sapphire colored orb float from his fingers and attack her, which was fucking bizarre.

I have to be cracked the fuck out or something, because none of this makes sense.

"I hope you understand what I have been working toward. This road has been long and I do not plan on letting your incompetence get in the way."

"And what is that," almost wheezing because of the air that was knocked out of her after being thrusted against a thick wooden beam. "What are you working towards?"

"Well, the same thing I tried to do with your father," he explained condescendingly. "But, he was too weak to be of any use." he spat the word weak as if it left a bitter taste on his tongue.

"And what exactly would that be?" she asked while gritting her teeth, partially because she was fucking livid, and partially from her attempt to stand up as he walked toward her.

"I think I'll have to set it in motion before I give you all the details, love. Can't have you fucking it up, like your father," he spoke sourly and cupped her face in her hands.

He squeezed her face in his palm, enough to make it hurt. She grimaced as her whispered loudly into her ear. "But for now, I have business to attend to. I'll be seeing you," he said, and with that, disappeared into thin air.

She officially collapsed onto the wooden boards underneath her, sobs tearing themselves out of her, so much so that she began to shake.

After a slightly unhealthy amount of uncontrollable shaking, she pulled herself up and slowly lowered herself down the steps.

She heard the terrifying gut wrenching scream of a women, not too far away and quite literally jumped out of her own skin. The screeching continued as she tried to make her way home.

The sound only seemed to follow her.

Eventually the sound seemed to be right behind her. She turned around as quick as humanly possible, to be greeted by a cougar— midair; fucking launching itself at her. Her hand flew up and her powers instinctively held it.

There she stood, covered in (mostly) dry blood, in the woods, cougar suspended midair by her powers.

Syd twisted her hand a bit to the right, snapping its neck. She watched the body hit the floor, then continued in her way home.

She walked in the door, only one in the house awake at this hour. She walked upstairs and straight into the bathroom.

She turned on the shower nozzle, not even waiting for it to heat up or even bothering to take her clothes off, and stepped into the shower.

She just sat there.

She watched the red water slowly turn into more of an orange as there was less and less. It didn't matter how long she sat there; she still couldn't wrap her mind around it.

During the shower, she stripped herself bare, and took a shower like normal.

Once she was done, she shut off the shower and stepped onto the cold linoleum. She wrapped herself in a towel, and looked at the mirror.

Just stared.

She could feel the feeling building up inside of her, and instead of the mirror shattering as you would assume, she burst into tears.

She fell asleep that way; lying on the bathroom floor, tear stained face, covered in only a towel, simply asking

Why me?

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