Figuring Shit Out

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Stanley needed Leo and Sydney at his house after school. They definitely needed to discuss this shit. Otherwise, there might be more repeats of what happened in the gym; today and during homecoming...

Unfortunately, Sydney wasn't really in the mood to talk. She was on autopilot; a shell of who she was four days ago. Stanley didn't know if Syd had talked to Dina since, but he assumed not, because Dina is the best at consoling her and she was still a mess.

Fortunately, Stanley shared 6th period with Sydney, so she couldn't escape him too easily.

Right before class ended, he texted Leo. Meet me at Mrs. Laski's class when the bell rings. Very important.

okay?? ill be there she responded.

As soon as the bell rang, Sydney was out of her seat and headed out the door. "Sydney! Syd!" he called after her. She turned around with a pissed off expression. "What, Stan. What do you want?"

He took a deep breath. "I need you to come to my house. I have incredibly valuable information that you need to know as soon as we are in a private place," he said while looking around, saying the last bit quieter. "Are you fucking kidding me?" she asked, face not changing. "No, I'm fucking not. This information could alter your current perception, as well as affect our lives from here on out... So let's go," As he walked out the door, a saw Leo round the corner. He motioned for her to follow along.

Sydney and Leo reached Stan's car. After attempting to open the door handle only to find it locked, she huffed and turned to realize that it was not only her and Stan. "What's she doing here," she asked, clearly irritated by Leo's presence. "I'll explain when we get to my house. We all have shit we need to discuss. For now, just trust me," he said as he unlocked the car.

They pulled into his driveway and walked up the steps, Leo staying silent and staying in the back. At last, they made it into Stanley's basement/bedroom. "Where should we sit?" Leo asked quietly as she set her bag down. Stanley moved to sit on the floor so they followed.

Leo's heart was racing. She didn't know what this was about and she knew Sydney didn't like her. This left her with nothing but thoughts of anxiety.

"Okay- I'm really not sure how to start this..." he said, fidgeting nervously. "Both of you, separately, made me promise to keep a secret for you." Sydney's eyes widened, and Leo's would've as well, but they were already wide open. "Stan..." Sydney said, her tone low and warning. "Look, it wouldn't make sense to keep these secrets from the other. This is the only option that makes sense," he continued to ramble, trying to justify his words.

Leo's breathing picked up as she tried not to panic. Her mind was in a frenzy of pure panic.

"Sydney, that night, homecoming," he started. "You didn't do that to Brad. That was Leo." Sydney's facial expression contorted into a number of things, ranging from disbelief to relief. Leo was trying not to cry and focusing on not throwing up.

"What the hell are you talking about, Stan," Syd questioned. Leo failed at stifling a sob, causing them to look at her. She shoved a finger into her mouth, tucked her legs together and wrapped her arms around them and shut her eyes tight. "Leo, it's fine," Sydney said, in a voice so soft you would've thought it was Dina speaking.

"Stan, you promised me," Leo whimpered as tears streaked her face. "Okay, I know you're mad but I see why he had to do this..." Sydney spoke to Leo. "Stanley, please explain. I'm still really confused and now I feel like shit," Leo said.

"Sydney can-"

"Stan, let me tell her." she spoke with a certainty Leo had no clue where it came from. "Basically, I can do shit with my mind, and I guess you can too."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, if it helps you understand or makes you feel any better, I made a bunch of shit levitate in my room, accidentally killed my little brother's hedgehog, Banana, left a huge crack in my bedroom wall, knocked a bunch of shit off the shelves at the convenience store, Stanley remembers that, nearly killed Stanley will some bowling balls; you remember what happened in the library? Yeah, that was me. And up until now, I thought I killed Bradley, however I did give Bradley a bloody nose- oh shit oh my god I am so sorry..." Sydney said as she realized what she had done earlier in the day.

"My nose bleed- that was you?" Leo asked out of sheer curiosity. "Yeah, sorry," Sydney said sheepishly.

"No- no, that, that's pretty bad ass," Leo almost laughed. It wasn't funny but, to be fair, she was pretty light headed. Sydney looked to Stan, then back at Leo. "Definitely not the response I was expecting," Stanley said.

"So, I've confessed my sins to the priest; now, what've you done with your 'abilities'? I'm feeling a but guilty so, lay 'em on me," Sydney spoke, a bit more enthusiastic then you could expect from her.

"That- that thing you said, about stuff floating? I did that, but all the stuff was coming towards me... It was actually really scary... Anyway, that, I guess I killed Brad, I made one of Stanley's chairs fly across the room. I'm not sure if that's it... I can't remember right now," she said.

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?"

"I guess it's just nice to know that I'm not the only one. I now have someone to share the burden with," Sydney told her.

"Okay now that we've got that figured out; Sydney," Stanley spoke directly to her. "Where were you this weekend? You didn't answer your phone once and-" All his words blurred together. Sydney's eyes focused on the ground and her breathing quickened as she returned to that empty state she was in.

"Sydney? Are you okay? you look sick."

And that took her back.

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