Operation Survival

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"This is hopeless!"

Boboiboy did his best to not let his friend's complains get into his head.

They've been scavenging the forest for hours now. The sun was setting and they hadn't made camp yet.

Technically because Nafis vetoed the idea.

Boboiboy was seriously growing suspicious. Any sane person should realise that they were totally defenceless in the middle of an unknown forest.

Not to mention, all they've been doing for the past few hours were running away from random, weird looking animal who wanted them for lunch.

Or following Nafis's hunch, which Boboiboy concluded as unreliable.

"Alright people! Let's set camp here!" Nafis's cheery voice stopped everyone on their tracks.

"Finally! You're the best Nafis!" Gopal said in relief and plopped down. "Why didn't you come out with something as brilliant as him?"

Boboiboy knew the question was directed at him, but he kept quiet. It was going to end up in a useless banter if he didn't.

To his surprise, Yaya went to his defense.
"He did, remember? He's been pushing the idea since Nafis's first hunch led us into a boar pit"

Nafis clicked his tongue. "Well forgive me for trusting my instincts, sweetheart"

Yaya gave him a glare before responding. "I think you've proven well enough that your intuition are useless"

Boboiboy noticed Nafis gritting his teeth and decided to intervene. "Hey guys! No need to..."

His attempt failed when a low voice muttered. "Careful young lady. I'll make sure you know how much trouble you're in when we're married"

Apparently, Yaya heard it and fumed. "Why would I marry a jerk like you anyway?"

Boboiboy stepped in between the two and raised his voice.
"Okay you two. Whatever it is, we need to set camp!"

Thankfully, the pair kept quiet but had rage on their face.

"We need firewood" he continued. He turned to Yaya who raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm gonna go fetch them in the woods. Can you join me?"

Nafis interrupted an asked in annoyance. "Why do you want her to tag along?"

"Well, because two heads are better than one. We're in an unfamiliar forest with creatures we've never seen before" he said calmly. "It will suicidal for any of us to go out there alone"

He stared into Nafis's green eyes, challenging him to disagree. He took the signal and turned around to face the rest of the team.

"Come on people, let's make some sleeping place!"

Boboiboy gazed at the man as he noticed how willingly Gopal volunteered to help out. Fang and Ying nodded, listening to Nafis as he gave some instructions. Ochobot also looked excited to help the teleportation power wielder.

Nafis had his friends wrapped around his fingers, whether he liked it or not.

To make matters worse, they didn't see it that way.

Earlier, he tried voicing out his concerns to Fang, whom brushed it off as his insecurities. He simply said that the older guy earned his respect, since he managed to get Kaizo work to with him.

Ironic, he thought sarcastically. He clearly remembered how Fang loathed that guy for ruining their mission.

His thoughts were disturbed when he felt a stick nudge him at his side.

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