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It's so humorous to see people look sad.It just make me wanna laugh and laugh and laugh,until it gets boring.

"P-please.. som-meone...HELP ME!" I look down to the poor helpless woman. I couldn't help the little smile forming on my lips, this was just to fun.

"Aw, don't cry now,crying is for the weak and your not weak aren't you?" I say putting my knife towards her mouth.

She shivers in fear I put the knife inside of her mouth. "Shouldn't we have fun?" I smile, her face look petrified oh yes this will be fun.


"Aw you stopped moving." I say to the now dead rotting corpse. "You aren't fun at all" I get up from the body I walk into the puddle of blood and touch the woman hair.

"I always liked your long soft pink hair." I pick up a strand and smell it." It used to smell like blossoms.." I take another wiff "now it smell like blood, and that's my favorite sent." I giggle.

I walk away from the corpse start cleaning. I can't leave any evidence that I was here.
I get some bleach,air freshener,and a mop; I get straight to work.

I mop some of the blood up before I put the bleach down, after a good amount of the blood was gone I pour the bleach moping everywhere until not even a single drop of blood was left on the floor, then I spray the air freshener." Hmmm what a great smell."

I get my shoes and pour bleach on the cleaning them and my knife, after I was done I head out of the house. To my surprise the house was swarmed with police I curse in my head.

"DROP THE WEAOPN AND PUT YOUR ARMS UP!" They all drawn their guns at me, I sigh dropping my knife and putting my hands up.

I was suddenly tackled my arms forcefully was behind my back and tight cuffs put on them. I groan in pain, then was picked up by my arms and had no choice but to follow them into the police car.

When I was in the police car secure to have no weapon or to be a threat the police man drove me to jail.

~~A month later~~

"I hear sentence you to 19 years in prison!" The judge says everyone claps as I was escorted out of the building to prison.

My prisonerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora