(Ghostface) Danny Johnson x Reader

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Title: For You
CW: foul language, stalking, violence, murder, mention of abuse, slightly steamy

Danny's POV

I notice a girl walk along the street, my curiosity getting the best of me. I follow, picking her as my next target. She kicks a rock, hands tucked in her pockets. I watch as she enters her house, shutting the door behind her. I pull out my camera, taking pictures as she moves around her house.

Foolish girl left all her blinds open. She leaves to her kitchen, sitting at the table to do something on her laptop. I snap pictures every hour, marking them with the sharpie in my pocket. I pull my hood on, sitting back to watch.

I've followed her for weeks now, and I'm only more invested as each day passes. She has a boyfriend, they're only together when she's at home. Sometimes he yells at her, sometimes he hits her. But by the end of the night, she lays in his arms. I only take more pictures, so very curious.

Some days she goes off to work, down at the cafe by the town. She always comes home with a f/drink from work. Sometimes she stays home, watching f/show. Sometimes she even sits outside, just to stare at the sky. I decide to pay her a visit at work on the third Tuesday.

I tuck my hands in my pockets and pull my hood off, putting on a smile as I enter the small cafe. A bell dings above my head, alerting the girl behind the counter. She smiles at me, hands splayed on the wood. "Hey, what can I get for you?"

"One f/drink, please." I grin as she lights up.

"You got nice taste, that's my favorite." She scribbles on a notepad. "What's your name?"

"Danny." I say, chewing on my lip. "Danny Johnson."

"All right, Danny." She says, handing her notepad to the boy working the blenders and coffee machines. "I'll call you over when your drink's done."

"Thanks." I gaze at her, our eyes locked for just a moment. I turn before she can be the one to break contact, and walk over to a table, sliding into a chair. I glance over at her as she takes another order. She catches me looking and giggles, cheeks pink. I send her my best smile, turning to my camera. I scroll through the pictures of her, wondering what her schedule at work is like. Maybe I can learn that, too, if I continue coming here.

I stare at the image of her laying on the couch, passed out after taking the night shift. "Danny?" I perk up at her voice, which I already have memorized after our few real encounters.

My lips curve up as I walk over. "Thanks." I say, taking the cup.

She looks at me as our fingers brush over each other's. "No problem." Her voice is soft, almost timid. This is going to be much easier than I thought. I shoot her another smile, walking out of the cafe with the drink in my hand. I take a sip, surprised to enjoy such a drink. I walk to my usual spot across from her house, sitting down in the grass. I pull my hood on, waiting for her shift to end.

My drink is now empty, the plastic/paper cup resting beside me when she comes home an hour later, holding her boyfriend's hand. I know that the hourly argument will hit before he even starts to shout. I watch as he raises his hand, but this time, she pushes him away. He shoves her back, but she points to the door, saying something I can't make out. I watch as he shakes his head but she opens it and grabs his arm. I smile as he's forced outside. She locks the door.

After a half hour of pounding on the door without her response, he backs away, cussing. I feel almost smug, snickering as he storms off. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

The next day, I leave my house the same time she leaves hers. I enter the cafe five minutes after her. "One f/d."

She perks up, looking over at me with a smile. "Oh hey, it's you." She writes down my order. "Danny, right?"

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