Chapter 13

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The lights began exploding making everything dark, doors were slamming shut and I was starting to freak out. I kept Bode close to me making sure nothing happened to him, the fire alarm started beeping we all looked at each other all thinking the same thing.

"Mum's downstairs!" Kinsey exclaimed.

We all began running but Bode and I were grabbed and taken into my room. I saw a woman, this must be the well lady. I quickly grabbed my baseball bat and swung it at the well lady, but she grabbed it and threw it to the ground.

"Your feisty just like your Carter parents" she hissed and grabbed my arm and then Bode's. she used a key and we were in the well house.

"Don't hurt her!" Bode shouted.

"Just give me the key!" Well lady shouted.

"Bode, don't do it! No matter what!" I shouted.

"Shut up!" Well lady shouted and threw me into the well, I screamed and waited for the painful crash but it didn't come. I looked to see that I landed on a really thick and comfy mattress.

Tyler's POV
Mum had put out the fire, then noticed Bode and Allison wasn't here. While Kinsey helped mum I began looking for Bode and Alli, I walked past the front door and saw a big light.

"What?" I asked opening the first set of doors, then the other. My eyes landed on the giant swirling fire ring, I ran over and saw Bode standing with a woman. I tried running through, but the fire flared sending me back.

"Bode!" I exclaimed.

I ran to another side of the ring, trying to see if I could help him. The fire ring died down and I saw that Bode was still there.

"Bode! Are you okay?" I asked running up to him and crouched down and hugged him.

"Yeah, I'm okay. But I don't know if Allison is okay. The well lady threw her down the well, we need to get her!" He exclaimed in a panic. We grabbed some rope and a torch, we ran down to the well house. I grabbed a hammer and broke the lock off so I could open the doors.

"Allison!" I shouted looking down the well hole.

"Tyler?" I heard her shout.

"Bode, hold onto the torch and shine it down the hole" I ordered he nodded and grabbed the torch and shone it down the hole. I saw Allison, she looked up and sighed in relief.

"Alli, I'm going to drop down a rope grab onto it and I'll pull you up!" I shouted she nodded and looked down so she wasn't looking into the torch light. I held onto the rope and lowered it down. Allison wrapped it around her waist and then I began pulling her up, she would push herself away from the walls so she wouldn't hit them.

I got her to the top and help her over the well, I hugged her tightly feeling how cold she was.

"Your freezing!" I exclaimed and wrapped her up in my jacket. She was shivering and her lips were slightly blue, I picked her up bridal style and looked at Bode.

"Can you open the doors?" I asked, Bode nodded and pushed the doors opened and we walked off. I laid Allison on her bed and placed the blankets on top of her.

"I'll be right back okay?" I whispered, she nodded and continued to shiver. I walked downstairs and heated up two wheat heat packs I grabbed the first aid kit and walked back up to Allison's room. I placed the heat packs in her bed and then began cleaning up a wound on her forehead. I placed two wound closure strips on the wound, I held her hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"Thank you" she whispered tiredly, I nodded and grabbed her desk chair so I could keep an eye on her.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Much better, thank you for helping" she whispered with a tired smile.

"Always" I said giving her a warm smile.

"Are the heat packs helping?" I asked, she nodded and closed her eyes.

I kissed her hand before placing it on the bed, I placed her chair back and quietly closed her bedroom door on my way out.

Locke and Key ~Tyler Locke~Where stories live. Discover now