2: Am I Seeing Straight?

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CANDENCE- What was that back there? (Driving)


CANDENCE- Like honestly, who were you talking to?

EELNA-Don't tell me that you didn't see him. (WTF face)

CANDENCE- (Shakes head 'No') What did he look like?

EELNA- Face...His face was very pale. Beard was down to his upper chest. Tats Everywhere. (Hatch idea) He looked like a biker from a biker gang.

CANDENCE- Yeah.... Don't ring a bell up here my friend. (Points to her head)

EELNA- I'm not crazy. (Sighs in frustration) I know what I've seen!

CANDENCE- Eelna-Jane. I never said that you were crazy. I mean, you haven't been sleeping..

EELNA- So I'm hallucinating?

CANDENCE- I never said that.

EELNA- But you were implying it!

CANDENCE- After Logans death, (EJ groans in frustration/roll eyes) have you actually gotten sleep? You know, its not your fault with what happened to Logan.

EELNA-( Signing in sadness) I was driving. ME!

CANDENCE- (In reassurance) The truck driver..(Gets cut off by EJ)

EELNA- It was my fault! I was driving. I could have saved him. I could have swerved.

(Snaps into staring into space/ Candy stops at traffic light/Sees the same strange man on the corner of a bus stop. Once the bus moved and light turned green, he vanished)


EELNA- (Snaps out of space) Yea? Yea. I'm here.

CANDENCE- You Ok? (EELNA Nods) Shit girl. You need to go see your therapist! (Sighs) I was just saying that the truck drivers still out there. We will get justice one day . We will get him. (Candy rubs EJ's hand while driving) Again, it wasn't your fault. (Sighs/pulls up to Downtown Lerwick Police Department *DLPD*) You ready to meet the chief?

EELNA- Ready as I'll ever be.



CANDENCE- (Both Candy and Eelna walks up to front desk.) Hi! Where's Chief?

TESS-What do you need him for? Resigning?

CANDENCE- Very funny... I don't have time for you today. If you won't tell me, I'll simply find him myself. (Turns To Eelna/Points at Tess)Thats the bitch of the department. Tess. (Tess Rolls eyes) She think she runs the house. Such a fucking kiss up.

EELNA- (Starts walking with Candy) Seems like we are going to have problems with her.

CANDENCE- Yeah. Prepare yourself (Sees Chief and another young , sexy man) Woah!

EELNA- Um? Candy? You good?

CANDENCE- (Stops Drooling) Oh! Yeah! Just um... distracted by his beauty. MY GOD! (EJ Hits Candy) Ow! Ok! Ok! I'll stop! (Tried to get Chiefs attention) Chief?! (Waves at 'em)

CHIEF MASON- Ah! Candy! How was your little last moments of vacation?

CANDY- AH! It hurts! (Acts like she's in pain) Just kidding. Glad to be back. And my new bestie just moved in, so I'm more than ready for anything!

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