"Not on your life," I muttered.

Seokjin and I were on our way to meet with the members. They wanted to go somewhere before they head back home and I had no choice but to follow them. After texting the members, we found out that they'd already left so we were on our way there. I really didn't want to be alone with Seokjin but I didn't have any other choice.

"How was the concert last night?" Seokjin asked me.

I blinked and turned to the side to look at him. His eyes were up ahead and not on me. Why is he asking me this? He's never asked about what I think...

"Um, it's really good," I said, awkwardly, "I really like it. No wonder you guys have so many fans. You all put so much effort to making this concert the best for the fans and I can really tell how much effort by watching all your performances."

I saw Seokjin visibly relax, "Really?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I really enjoyed it and I didn't even pay to see it."

"Maybe I should start charging you for it then."

"Wait, what?" I turned to Seokjin.

He pointed up ahead where the van was, "Come on. Let's hurry it up before the members decide to ditch us and go somewhere."


"I'm so sorry," I press my hands against each other in a sorry gesture. "I—I shouldn't have drank that much. I'm so, so sorry."

Namjoon patted my shoulder, awkwardly, "Don't worry about it, noona. You didn't do anything weird."

Jungkook snorted at that.

"She didn't," Hoseok reassured me with a smile. "Besides, it's hyung's fault for not keeping you company."

I groaned, "I didn't need him too."

"Seems like a lie to me," Yoongi smirked.

Hoseok nudged Yoongi with his elbow, "Don't tease her."

"Alright, who's next?" Seokjin asked as he walked over towards us.

We were at a game arcade. I was surprised because I thought they wanted to go shopping or eat somewhere but they'd surprised me when they said that they heard this arcade was one of the best. Hence why we ended up here after they rented the whole place for us.

"Are you good at these kinds of thing?" Taehyung asked from beside me as he slid his phone back into his pocket. He's been texting his girlfriend all this time in silence and because of that, I thought I should keep quiet and not bother him.

"I'm good at basketball," I said after a beat.

"Basketball?" Yoongi leaned over Hoseok to look at me, his eyes widening, "Really?"

I nodded. "I used to play basketball when I was in high school."

"How good are you?"

"Probably not as good as you."

"That's surprising," Seokjin put in. "Considering the fact that you're not that tall too."

I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Yoongi's short too but he's a great player," Jimin said, shaking his head, a smile tugged at his lips. "Don't look down on their height."

"That's because you're short yourself," Seokjin pointed out with a scoff.

"Whatever," Jimin rolled his eyes.

Yoongi stood up and gestured for me to follow him, "Come on. I saw a basketball court nearby. Let's play and see who's better."

"That will be you," I said, forcing a smile, "You've got years of practice. It's been a while since I last played."

Feeling Seokjin's eyes on me, I turned to him, ready for him to butt in like he always does when his members are getting too close to me. Instead, he surprised me by jerking his chin towards the door and said, "You better win, Shortcake."


"It's just for fun," Yoongi reassured me with a smirk, "I'll go easy on you."

I sighed and got to my feet, "Alright. Please do."


"It's the first time I saw Yumi like that," Jimin said to Seokjin, "It's good to see her relax."

Seokjin scoffed, "Yumi being drunk is another story."

"You should be nicer to her," Jungkook said, sitting down beside Seokjin.

"Weren't you lot super cautious around her to begin with?" Seokjin muttered, trying not to roll his eyes. He didn't need Jungkook or Jimin to tell him how he should behave around Yumi.

"That's because she had this aura," Jimin retorted. "We had to stay away until we felt safe enough to approach her. She wasn't exactly smiling and engaging too, you know."

Jimin wasn't lying about that. At first glance, Yumi is beautiful... beautiful and cold. That's how Seokjin would describe her. When Seokjin first met her, she was a little wary of him but she was polite although she doesn't smile at all.... at least not until....

Well, it's true that he made a comment about her looks and height—something he didn't mean but he did it anyways to provoke her. Yumi surprised him when she heard what he said and immediately threw the shortcake she was about to serve him right at his face.

At that moment, he thought that he'd keep her around until he's tired of her. That way he could protect his parents and himself too.

Seokjin lifted his eyes to see Yumi shoot, scoring herself a goal. He could see Yoongi grinning at her. It's rare to see Yoongi grin like that with girls other than Seyeon. It looks like he really let down his guards around Yumi.

He continued to watch his members play with her and he didn't miss the small temporary light in her eyes as she laughed. Really laughed.

And for a brief moment, Seokjin's guards against Yumi fell apart too. 

Seokjin's TouchTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon