Chapter 2

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I've been in this stupid school for a few months now

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I've been in this stupid school for a few months now. I'll do it tonight. After our class trip, I'll finally end all of this. I was the first one on the bus so I decided to sit all the way in the back where no one else was going to go.

"Mind if I sit here?" I heard Deku ask nervously

I quietly moved my bag out of his way and stared out the window as he sat down.

"I don't need your pity" I scoffed and slipped my headphones on, making him shrink in on himself a bit more

The class trip was supposed to be a way for all the students to relax a bit. Everyone was stressed about everything going on with the league of villains. Especially since they were now teamed up with Overhaul. When we got to town everyone pretty much went off in their own directions. I stood back as everyone paired off to go to different places. With I sigh, I began to walk off by myself until I heard someone shout my name.

"(Y/N)! Wanna join our group?" Deku chirped at me

Him, Kiri, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Denki all kinda just stared at me while waiting for my answer. Bakugo seemed very unhappy about it and why wouldn't he? He was one of my biggest bullies. All of them were my bullies besides Deku and Todoroki. It's not like they liked me though. They would watch me getting beat and called slurs, have stuff dumped on or thrown at me, and awful notes and things get put in my locker. Not once did they try to stand up for me or see if I was okay.

"I told you already" I hissed "I don't need your pity"

I began to walk off but Bakugo violently gripped my wrist, opening several of the cuts I had made on it the night before.

"Get off your high horse you fucking bitch" he growled "We're trying to be nice"

I flinched as he made an explosion over my cuts but didn't let myself cry.

"Fine" I sighed weakly "I'll join"

None of them seemed to notice the blood now dripping down my hand. At least if they did, they didn't bring it up. It was getting pretty late so we started heading back to the hotel everyone was staying at for the night. On the way there, we ran into a villain in an alley. He was obviously very drunk as he approached us.

"Reaper" he cheered "Why don't you and I go have a little fun together?"

"Not gonna happen" I growled

"You bitch! What's the problem?!" he shouted

Bakugo stepped in front of me, ready to fight.

"Ohhhhhh" the man laughed "It's your little boyfriend, isn't it? WELL I CAN FIX THAT"

He launched himself at Bakugo and stabbed a knife into his stomach, dragging it all the way up to his ribcage. I felt my entire body go hot as my eyes blackened and glowed red again. The man gulped and fled. As much as I wanted to chase after him and end his life, I knew I had to stay with Bakugo. I already knew he was dead as I stared at his body on the ground but checked his pulse anyway. Without even thinking I took my razor out of my phone case and slit my palms, placing them on the ground next to Bakugo. While on my knees I began chanting in Latin, my blood soaking into the ground and forming glowing symbols around the two of us. A firey pain began to form in my abdomen as blood began to stain my dress. Despite the agony, I kept chanting. The gash in Bakugo's stomach began to disappear and color returned to his face. I watched his fingers twitch a bit before he shot up, gasping for air. I stopped chanting and coughed up a lot of blood before collapsing to the ground and blacking out.

Bakugo x Depressed ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now