Chapter 22 - Rescue

Start from the beginning

I walked past a row of sentinel guards and up to a gate.

"Welcome home, great slayer." A Maykr angel said to me. One of the guards pushed a button next to the gate which slowly opened it.

I walked in to see the all too familiar arena which started it all. I wasn't alone in it though. Lena was in the arena with me.

"(Y/n)!" She screamed. She ran at me but got stopped by some divine barrier. She fell to the floor but immediately got up and started smacking the barrier.

"You cannot kill me."

I looked to my left to see the final hell priest, Deag Grav standing there.

"If Sentinel holy blood is spilled on these grounds, you will lose all sovereignty here."

I didn't care if I lost my sovereignty. I would do whatever I needed to do to get Lena back.

"Calommus V Turna!"

I saw the priest smash his staff into the ground before teleporting both him and Lena out of the arena.

One of the gates started opening. Out if it, I saw a huge shield with a skull on it but within a second it revealed itself to be the priest's gladiator. He smashed his mace on the floor and readied for a fight.

I drew my super shotgun out and started circling it. He swung his mace at me, but I dodged it. I got around his shield and fired a shotgun round into him. Some chunks of his flesh came off, but nothing much. He readied up for another attack. This time he smashed his shield on the floor which sent a shockwave through the floor at me. It hit me, but did nothing.

Some puny demons spawned around the arena, but nothing big. I started firing rockets at him, since I felt like they were doing a lot of damage, and they were. Within a minute, he was on the floor with his shield on top of him. I ran up to him and stabbed the eye of his shield, knowing that it too was alive.

His shield exploded sending me flying backwards. I landed on my feet at the same time as the gladiator stood back up. He grabbed a second mace and prepared for another fight.

I fired a rocket at him, but he started spinning his maces in a way which meant that everything I fired at him got deflected. I ran around him, waiting for him to finish his move, before unloading a clip of micro missiles into the back of his head. They exploded, staggering him briefly. I ran up to him and punched him as hard as I could. I knocked him back, but he quickly recovered.

His next attack was interesting to say the least. He smashed both his maces on the ground and made a small cone shaped arena for me, then sent curved beams of energy down the cone at me. It was odd to say the least, and not very effective because I was still able to fire at him as all of that was happening. I must have unloaded at least 10 rockets into him during that time. He was missing loads of chunks of flesh. He swung his maces at me and missed, giving me a brief window to strike. Using this time, I got up behind him and fired some shotgun rounds into the back of his head. He stumbled forwards and landed on his head. I got Infront of him and punched his head in as hard as I could, before grabbing his mace and smashing his head into the floor with it.

"This stops nothing!"

I turned around to see the priest standing next to Lena, with a gun to her head.

"Now listen slayer. Take one step forward, and she dies. You have to chose between her, and the earth."

I looked into Lena's big brown eyes. They were full of fear.

"(Y/n), save the planet, not me." She screamed, causing the priest to push the gun at her head more.

I looked back at her and smiled in my helmet having just come up with a plan. With my neural connection, I made a plan with Vega on how I would do this. I would ask to give Lena one final hug before she dies, then stick part of the tethering system which Hayden put on me to teleport her out of there and back to my fortress.

"Can I give Lena one final hug before she dies."

"Go ahead slayer. Enjoy it, as it will be your final wish."

I walked up to Lena. She had tears in her eyes. I had my fist closed the entire time, hiding the part of my Tether in it. I hugged her and secretly put the Tether on the front of her chronal accelerator.

"I love you, (y/n)." She said with tears in her eyes."

"Tell me when we get home." I said to her.

"Wha-" she tried to say before Vega tethered her back to my fortress.

"What. You Traitor!" The hell priest screamed at me.

"Kinda ironic that you're calling me the traitor here? Don't you think?"

"You will not be able to sto-"

I cut his speech short by firing a shotgun round through his head. As soon as I did, his blood turned the entire arena red and some Sentinel guards entered and started closing in on me.

"The portal is open." Vega said. "It is time to leave."

As he said that, I turned around and walked through my portal and into the fortress, only to be greeted by about 100 demons Infront of me.

I was standing behind Lena. She didn't notice me yet, since she was more focussed on the demons Infront of her. I pulled my BFG out and charged it up. She still didn't notice me.

"Lena, yeah you might wanna get down."

She turned around to see me with my fully charged BFG ready to fire. She got on the floor out of the way and watched.

"EAT THIS YOU FUCKERS" I yelled while pulling the trigger. The green ball of energy left the cannon and headed straight towards the demons. They all let out ear piercing screams as they died, covering everything in blood as they exploded.

I took my helmet off and picked Lena up.

"(Y/n), you, you saved me." She said while starting to cry. "Why did you chose me over the rest of the world."

"I didn't. I put that Tether thing on you and then killed the priest. That was me who teleported you out of there, not him. He's dead now, the invasions over."

She looked at me in suprise as we walked through the portal and into the overwatch base, this time straight back into my room though. I carried her straight to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. She immediately sat up. I took my suit off and sat down next to her.

"(Y/n) I'm so sorry." She started crying a lot. "I'm sorry for going by myself and making you have to go through all that just because I was being selfish. Please, just -"

"Hey hey Lena, stop blaming yourself." I pulled her close to me. "You didn't know what was going to happen, nothing could have prepared you for that, but it's over now. All 3 of the hell priests are dead. The massive majority of the hell invasion is over."

"99.6% of the demonic threat is gone now." Vega said. "The remaining 0.4% are super demons which won't flee."

"Thanks Vega." I said while still cuddling my crying Lena. "Lena, stop crying, it's over. We won."

"But what about the Khan Maykr. What will she do? Surely she can ready another army in hell and attack again."

"She can't go into hell. It she does, she will break the holy seal of Urdak, meaning demons will be able to cross through the void and into Urdak and destroy it. She is powerless against us, and even if she does find a way to attack again, I promise I will do everything I can to keep you from harm."

Lena looked at me with her big brown puppy dog eyes and smiled.

"Thank you (y/n)." As she said that, she pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back. We kissed for a little while, before eventually breaking apart.

"I think we should probably tell everyone that you're here again." I said to her smiling.

"Yeah I think we should."

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