7 | How I Met Your Aunt

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"You seriously can't come?"

My phone was pressed up to my ear, Daisy's disappointed tone ringing out from the speaker.

I was sitting inside an Audi R8, watching the trees pass by. Happy was sitting in the driver's seat, every now and then glancing at me through the rear-view mirror. In all of my life, I had never been close to something so expensive, but here I was.

"I know, I'm really sorry," I apologized, "something came up."

"What about Brad?"

"Tell him I'm sorry,  and that I wish I could be there."

I really didn't, but I wasn't going to tell her that. Knowing Daisy, she'd be crushed.

"I heard Liz is throwing another party next month, maybe you can come then!"

"Yeah, of course. Listen, I have to go, but I'll text you, okay?"

"Sure, stay safe. Bye!"

"Bye," I mumbled, hanging up.

I knew she would understand, but I still felt bad. Letting out a sigh, I leaned my head back on the headrest and began to look outside. We were driving back into Queens, but I almost didn't recognize it at first. I guess sitting inside a fancy car, wearing fancy clothes, and having a fancy job changed the way a person sees things.

We drove a little longer, the soft jazz songs playing from the radio soaking into my senses. Happy pulled in front of an apartment building, unlocking the car.

"We're here," he said, "need me to open the door for you?"

"I can do it," I nodded, grabbing the handle and pushing it open.

"Good," the man emphasized, "I'll just wait out here, then."

I laughed at the man's amusement, and slid out through the car doors. The air was cold, stinging my exposed skin, but I brushed off the feeling. The black combat heels were still unusual to walk in, my ankles wobbling as I strode on the pavement.

I got a few stares as I approached the condominium, which wasn't unexpected. Pushing the tinted sunglasses up the bridge of my nose, I scanned the list of residents.

Parker; 11B

Pressing the small metal buzzer, I waited patiently for an answer. The STARK INDUSTRIES badge was clipped onto the pocket of my suit coat, my picture less than flattering. The speaker blared, the sound of shuffling ringing out onto the sidewalk.

"Hey! This is May, who's speaking?"

I was surprised to hear her voice. I mean, not surprised, the records stated he lived with his aunt, but I thought I'd be hearing Peter's voice instead. Glancing at the gold watch on my wrist (another expensive item to make me feel out of place) I noted that the boy should have been out of school an hour ago.

"This is y/n," I said, clearing my throat, "I'm here to see Peter Parker."

"Oh! That's strange, he's never mentioned you before. Are you one of his friends?"

"No ma'am, I'm here on behalf of Tony Stark. I have some news regarding your nephew."

"Tony Stark? I'm sorry, what is this all about? Is Peter in trouble?"

"Quite the opposite, Ms. Parker."

"Well then, by all means, come on in."

I heard the speaker shut off, and the door click open. Grabbing the handle, I swung it open and made my way inside.

I never knew how uncomfortable it was to walk down a hallway, since I had previously been able to blend in with the crowd. As I strutted down the seventh floor passage, I tried my best to avoid making eye contact with the various people scattered in the hall.

Finding the 11B condo, I knocked on the door and adjusted my badge.

The door swung open faster than a speeding bullet. Not that I'd seen one of those, of course.

"Hey!" The woman exclaimed, "I'm May, it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss..."

"l/n," I interjected, "y/n l/n."

"Do you want to come inside?" she said, stepping aside, "I was actually making some date loaf when you called, you want some? It's like baked bread with dates!"

I stepped inside the apartment, taking in the cluttered area. May Parker was a average lady in height, but definitely beyond average in looks. Her brown-hair fell in waves along her face, pushed off to the left side of her shoulder.

"Uh- sure," I stuttered, before remembering what Tony had told me, "sure."

Shutting the door behind me, May ushered me to the couch before running off towards the kitchen. It smelled slightly like smoke in the condo, which gave me a bad feeling about the date loaf she was so eagerly offering.

"So what is this about Peter?" she asked, balancing a plate of bread slices on her hand.

I recalled the memo-sheet Happy gave me in the car, which was supposed to tell me the answers to all of her questions. I never felt so happy to have read something, because if I hadn't, I'd be lost.

"A couple months ago," I explained, "he applied for the September Foundation. It's a grant that allows high school and college students to earn internships and get scholarship funding."

"He never told me about this," she smiled, deeply interested in what I had to say, "I'm surprised, this sounds like a big deal."

"Well, Peter's application has been accepted, and we'd like to offer him an internship... of sorts."

"Are you kidding me?"


"Peter Parker, my nephew, is going to work for Tony Stark?"

"Yes," I nodded, confused by her confusion. I thought I had explained that already.

The woman opened her mouth to speak, but the sound of keys in the door lock rattled out into the living room.

"He's here," she smiled, bouncing up and down on the couch cushion, "this is all so exciting, isn't it?"

"Yeah... exciting."

My mind strayed away from May's voice, more focused on the approaching person at the door. It swung open, and the figure of a boy walked in, a dvd-player tucked underneath his arm.

"Hey May," he said, slinging his backpack off his shoulder.

I froze at the sound of his voice, remembering the very moment I first heard it. My heart pounded as he rounded the corner, eager, yet nervous to see his face. I would never have expected to meet the boy who saved my life, the very day after it all happened.

"How was school today?" May questioned, an overtone of anticipation rolling off her tongue.

"Okay," he responded, tossing his keys up and down, "this crazy car parked outside-"

He stopped when he saw me, the surprise in his eyes clear as day. My heart danced in my chest, watching his jaw drop slightly, and the keys tumble back into his frozen hand.

"Oh," I grinned, "Mr. Parker."

Sliding Doors ⧨ Peter ParkerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin