I loved her you know

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Alexis Summer looked up from her homework as she heard a knock on her front door. She hopped up and ran towards it expecting it to be either her boyfriend or one of her teammates. Her jaw dropped when she saw a crying brunette boy on her front porch.

"Alex? Whats wrong are you okay?" the girl rushed out staring at the boy.

Despite no longer being friends with McGill the girl was still close to Larson, he had a kind heart but he was just like Adam was , always trying to impress the wrong people.

The boy said nothing, just rushing into the girls arms as she froze for a second in shock before quickly wrapping her arms around him.

"I loved her" he gasped out whimpering like a small puppy "I loved her you know and I never got to tell her".

Alexis didn't need to even ask who he was talking about she already knew. Alex Larson had been in love with Elliot Cruise.

She pulled away from the boy and took his hands "she loved you too Alex, she told me"

The boy  simply sunk to the floor and sobbed whilst Alexis quickly sat too, putting her arms around him once again to comfort the boy she had known since daycare.

"I didn't even go to the funeral, I didn't think I could handle it, I didn't want it all to become real" he gasped out taking a breath looking down and his shaking hands "but it is real, she's not coming back and I never got a chance to say goodbye, she died thinking no one loved her".

Lexi felt tears in her eyes but simply stood up, offering a hand to Alex as he looked confused before taking it. 

The girl knew what she had to do, she had taken time to grieve and heal but Alex hadn't he had kept it all bottled up inside and was surely about to burst if he didn't get his chance to mourn.

"Lets go"the girl stated, knowing that Adam would be over soon she grabbed a piece of homework paper and wrote a note about what she was doing sticking it on the front door before motioning for Alex to follow her.

The two walked in a comfortable silence that was only ever broken by the occasional sniffle from Alex.  The boy wasn't exactly sure where they were going but he had  pretty good idea.

The two walked for a short while before arriving at their destination. The Cemetery.

Alexis had visited many times these past few weeks so she had no problem guiding him to Elliot's beautiful gravestone "Here lies Elliot Cruise, may she sleep in peace until we meet her again"

"Talk to her" Lexi spoke softly, "I'll be right over here" she promised walking far enough away from the boy to give him space but close enough so that he knew she was there if he needed her.

The boy froze staring at the headstone, knowing the girl he loved was under there, he felt his heart break as it filled with way too many emotions to count and he sunk to the floor sitting in front of the headstone staring at the name and reading the message back and forth.

"Hi" he choked out, his voice cracking due to all the crying. "I just want to say I'm sorry el" he spoke to the headstone, clearing his throat before continuing "I'm sorry I ended up letting you down, I tend to do that a lot to the people I care about . I never got to tell you this but I feel like if I don't tell you now ill never recover from this dull ache that is constantly pounding in my chest, I love you Elliot Cruise, and I will never ever stop loving you. I have never met someone who made me feel the way you did. Im so sorry I didn't tell you sooner and now its too late and I know you cant hear me" he rushed out, freezing as he noticed the flower on Elliots gravestone moving back and forth in the wind, that suddenly occurred in that single spot.

The boy smiled softy, she had heard him.  "I'll never forget you El, you'll always have a special place in my heart".

The boy hopped up,  feeling relieved at letting out his emotions, he walked over to Lexi smiling as she gave him a quick hug.

"Thanks Lexi, now that I know where she is I can visit more often" he spoke the last part to himself.

The girl smiled at him and  began walking as he followed, the two in comfortable silence again until they got to Alex's house, the boy looked down at the smaller girl "I know I haven't been the best person lately, but I promise ill get better. I love you and Adam more than you know and I will forever appreciate what you did today"

Alexis gave  him a kind look "You're welcome Alex, we love you too. If theres anything you ever need im here" she promised before bidding the boy farewell and walking towards her house.

The girl smiled as she made eye contact with the beautiful blue eyes of Adam Banks sitting on her porch waiting, he stood up and sent her a smile as she rushed towards him feeling overwhelming emotions of love, happiness and contentment. 

He met her half way as the two embraced their lips meeting and moving in sync. Both felt the familiar sparks fly before pulling away grinning.

Elliot Cruise had been all over the papers, it was found she had  pre existing brain trauma that was not picked up by doctors, the hit into the board isn't what killed her, the trauma already was. The hit had just sped it up.

Alexis knew that Fulton Reed would never recover from what he had done, even though it was an accident, but she hoped him knowing that it wasn't his fault and that  the girl had an existing injury would somehow lesson the burden he felt. 

The young couple headed inside Lexi's house and made themselves comfy on the couch, not needing to speak words to communicate. Lexi rested her head in Adam's lap as he fondly stroked her hair.

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