I guess we're ducks now...

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Alexis was sitting in science class next to Charlie, he had told her about the  situation that happened over the weekend and her heart broke for him. The boy didn't have much in life and it seemed like he was always dealing with the tough blows. 

The girl was snapped out of her trance by the voice of Karp "How did the forfeit go spazway"

She looked up and saw the teacher and left the room, she turned and saw her cousin looking down trying to ignore him. 

"Yeah did you score?" Peter mocked.

Her fists clenched when she saw the heartbroken look on his face, despite being younger than Charlie she often felt the need to protect him from the cruel world, he was much to innocent. 

"Leave me alone guys, I don't wanna talk about the team" he begged softly as Peter and Karp scoffed

"Yeah sure, coaches pet. Everyone knows he likes you best" Peter spat

"Likes his mum you mean" Karp teased.

That did it for Charlie he sprang out of his seat and pushed at Karp.

"Take it back Karp, take it back right now" he demanded.

Soon all of the ducks were pushing and shoving, Alexis just sat  playing with the top of her overalls not wanting to get involved.

Her eyes snapped up as the principal walked in demanding everyone sit, she looked and saw Charlie's seat had hit the floor so he couldn't sit. She watched as he awkwardly tried to lean against his own hand and not draw attention to himself.

Let's just say all the ducks got detention but everyone else was free to go.

It had come to the weekend and Alexis and Adam would be officially playing their first game as ducks.

The decision was not made lightly for Adam, but really the boy wanted to play hockey and knowing his best friend would still be there with him made him feel way better about it.

Alexis could see Adam's nerves as they stood outside the locker room, truth be told she was nervous as well, yeah sure most of them were her friends but there was a few who treated her like dirt on the ground and she wasn't sure how they would react. 

The girl reached out and took Adams hand to comfort him, pulling him along into the locker room. The ducks were all talking as they headed through the door and immediately they were greeted with silence. 

Alexis had never been so glad to have a family member in the team as her cousin ran over to her and gave her a hug, she looked around and saw the other ducks smiling at her, except for one Jesse Hall, her Body filled relief but then sadness as she saw they were all looking at Adam with hatred.

Suddenly Bombay walked into the room "Hey wasn't sure if you guys would show up" he said to us before turning to the ducks. "Ducks you all know Adam Banks and Alexis Summer"

Charlie smiled beginning to walk towards Adam "on behalf of the ducks I'd like to say welcome" but Jesse put a hand out to stop him before turning to both children and looking at their intertwined hands. 

"Cake-eaters" he muttered walking past and pushing past them, he threw his arm out and pushed Alexis down not even batting an eye as she hit the deck.

The girl simply shook it off as Adam bent down to help her get up, she grabbed his hand offering him a small smile as he helped her up.

The rest of the ducks smiled and their friend whilst glaring at the Banks boy on their way out.

"They're a great group once you get to know them" Bombay promised 

Adam looked down, Alexis could tell he was holding back tears "ill bet" he murmured.

"Suit up ill see you on the ice" he told both of the new players.

The best friends turned and looked at each other whilst lexi offered Adam a small smile, she walked to her locker and saw her new jersey, she had been given the number 12, her eyes drifted to Adam and saw he was now 99. 

Both children wordlessly got dressed, Alexis finishing first headed over towards Adam and sat waiting for him, he snapped his eyes to her and offered her a small smile but she could tell that he was hurting.

The girl motioned for him to stand up and when he did she wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a hug trying to somewhat comfort him, Adam melted into the hug and sighed forcing his tears away.

"Hey! Even if the team isn't warmed up to you yet I got you and you got me. Thats the way it's always been and that's the way that it will forever be" the girl promised as she pulled away.

The two headed out onto the ice to play  the game, they were both on the bench when Alexis thought of something "hey have you spoken to the guys?" she didn't need to elaborate Adam knew exactly who she was talking about.

He looked down "they won't even speak to me at school anymore, its like now im on a different team they don't need to be my friend"

Alexis sighed "Even Ellie?"

Adam shook his head smiling softly "nah she talks to me, she's kind of dropped Larson and McGill I don't think she cares now that you aren't there"

Alexis let out a breathe of relief, she really needed to speak to the girl, they haven't caught up in a while. 

Suddenly Adam was called onto the ice, he had been begging for ages for the puck but no one would pass it to him. 

"Char pass it to Adam!" Lexi yelled to her cousin frustratedly, he did what she said and Adam swiftly hit the puck into the net as all the ducks minus Jesse embraced him.

A few plays later Fulton smashed the puck into the net and all of a sudden the ducks had managed to make the play offs.

This wasn't unusual for Adam and Alexis, they had made the playoffs plenty of time's but watching the excitement on the ducks faces made it all the worth it.

After changing Adam headed to Alexis as she was riding home with him. 

"So, I guess we're ducks now" he said smiling.

Alexis grinned "I guess so".

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