His eyebrows knitted together in confusion as Kevin anxiously drummed his fingers on his thigh.

'The reason you were so horrible to me is because... you had a crush on me?' Edd asked.

'That's right.' confirmed Kevin.

'Why didn't you just tell me?'

'Because I didn't want to admit even to myself, let alone anyone else. It was eating at me. When I kissed you for the first time, my heart was in my throat and I thought I was going to die.'

'Your story explains your actions, but it doesn't excuse them.'

'So do you still wanna date me?'


Kevin smiled, with relief, with endearment, with everything. 

Then, before, he knew it, tears were welling up in his eyes and falling onto his cheeks without his permission.

He frustratedly ground his palm onto his eyes, trying to will them away, but they kept coming. They were tears of regret, of shame, of relief, a mixture of all the emotions he'd been bottling up for too many years. He finally got to be with the boy he loved, who slightly forgave him despite what an ass he'd been, and it was too much. The feelings he'd been forcing down for such a long time finally erupted into a finale, all the regret and anger and bone-deep sadness finally finding its escape, falling down his cheeks.

The effect of the years of misery had been lying dormant for years, but had been shaken and were now ready to erupt. He was like a volcano, finally releasing the red hot content, in their most harmless form. Tears.

Edd's heart went out to the boy, and he felt it break a little with seeing Kevin like this. It was like seeing the person you thought could handle everything finally breaking down, finally bowing under the pressure. It was like seeing your parents cry as a little kid, heart wrenching, unsettling and devastating all at once.

'Come here.' he said softly, pulling the taller boy towards him. Kevin offered no resistance, sniffling into Edd's orange sweater. He hadn't been comforted like this since he was a little kid. His mom meant well, and she did her best, but she just didn't quite understand even the toughest of teenage boys needed some tender loving care sometimes. His dad probably would've hit him again if he caught him crying. Boys don't cry. That's what his father had instilled in him since he was small, repeating the phrase often.

Kevin wrapped his arms around Edd's waist, and buried his face further into his soft and warm sweater. Warm tears dripped onto Edd's jumper, and Edd couldn't care less. Some things were way more important than tearstains.

Edd removed Kevin's cap and placed it gently on the bedside table, shifting back and leaning against Kevin's pillows.

Kevin was half in Edd's lap, fingers twisting handfuls of fabric from the back of Edd's jumper.

Edd smoothed down Kevin's orange hair, rearranging the strands so they fell neatly into place. 

'Let it all out. It's OK.' he said softly, stroking Kevin's hair from front to back.

After about half an hour, Kevin emerged from his place, face red and blotchy, but eyes once again bright. 

'Thank you for that.' he said in a slightly hoarse voice, sitting up slightly.

'Any time.' replied Edd, pressing a kiss to Kevin's forehead.

Kevin leaned in and pressed his lips to Edd's; they were soft, and comforting.

Edd kissed him back, tasting the salt from his tears.

Kevin glanced at the small alarm clock balancing precariously on top of old text books on his bedside table.

'We've still got like an hour before my mom gets home, wanna play Halo or something?'

Edd nodded in reply, even though he had no idea how to play video games.

After several failed missions, Kevin took it upon himself to teach Edd how to be a champion like him.

He sat Edd on the floor between his legs while he sat on the bed, arms draping down over Edd's small form, warm hands enveloping Edd's smaller ones, instructing him on what buttons did what.

Edd sat happily on the floor, not paying attention to the game, just nodding in the right places as Kevin gave him a personal tutorial, enjoying the sensation of Kevin's hands on his and the feeling of his soft hair on the back of his neck.

'Got it?' Kevin finished, and Edd realised he hadn't heard a word of what he was saying, so he handed over the controller, explaining that he thought it was better if maybe he just watched.

Kevin just shrugged, picking up where they left off, easily completing the objectives.

Edd watched his fingers nimbly hit the right buttons, his brow furrow in concentration.

The whole afternoon ticked by quickly, and Edd realised he had to leave immediately or his mom would beat him home.

He left quickly with a quick kiss to Kevin's lips.

Kevin switched off the TV and crawled into bed, emotionally exhausted. He fell asleep to Edd's scent still on his pillows.



hope you enjoyed! thanks so much for the reads and comments, keep them coming pls! here's hoping chapter 9 won't be a decade in the making

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