Chapter 2

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A/N: Thank you so much for your patience! I'm so lazy I even procrastinate things I enjoy doing.

Here we go! ~~~

The whiteboard squeaked as Mr Jones, the science teacher, wrote on it. 

He stepped aside to reveal the words "Forces work - you will be assigned partners."

'I will be assigning you partners so you actually get things done. I have also placed you with people I think you will work well with."

Kevin's hand shot up.

"Yes, Kevin?" Mr Jones sighed, expecting some kind of sarcastic comment which was usual from the red headed boy.

'Who am I with? Is it a dork?" Kevin asked, swinging on his chair.

'Well, if you'll let me explain, I'll tell you in a moment."


Edd's heart began beating faster and his palms became sweaty. Oh good lord, what if he was placed with Kevin? 

'You'll be with Kevin.'

Edd's stomach leaped up out through his mouth. He stood shakily, feeling as though the whole world was watching him, and headed in the direction of the table that Mr Jones had pointed out.

He sat down on the rickety wooden stool and gripped the edge of the desk, feeling as if he let go, he would fall off his stool.

He swallowed nervously as Kevin swaggered over, a million times more confident than his partner.

''Sup dork?' he asked casually, sitting down next to him.

Edd tried to speak but his voice failed him and instead he made a strange squeaking noise. He tried again and this time a small 'Wonderful' managed to escape.

They were sitting at the far table, away from everyone else. The rest of the class sorted themselves out and sat down. The room rang with chatter as Mr Jones sat back at his desk to mark their latest test.

Kevin scooted closer to Edd and placed a hand on his thigh. Edd jumped and nearly fell backwards off his stool.

He was only saved by Kevin grabbing him and pulling him back.

Kevin grabbed an abnormally thick science textbook and held it up so it was hiding their faces from view. 

'You know dork, you're pretty cute.'

'Wh-what' Edd began to stutter but was interrupted by Kevin kissing him softly on the lips.

'Ssshhh.' whispered Kevin, using his free hand to loop loosely around Edd's shoulders. 

Edd, gaining courage, (or was it just hormones?) kissed him back.

They kissed until they both had to break away for air.

Edd, ever the scholar, tried to get his mind back onto the set task.

'I should probably quiz you on this.'

Kevin frowned.

'For every question I get right, do I get a kiss?'

Edd pondered the quesion.

'Yes, OK.'

Kevin grinned.

'OK, hit me with your best shot.'

'What reduces friction?'

'Lubricant.' answered Kevin, rewarded with a kiss.

They worked steadily through the hour until they were startled by the lunch bell ringing.

Kevin kissed Edd once last time.

'See you around, Double D.' he whispered into the smaller boy's ear.

'Yep, see you then.' replied Edd with a nervous laugh.

Kevin winked and walked out the door.

Edd took a few deep breaths before he picked up his bag and went as fast as he could to the toilets. He barged into a stall and locked the door before sitting down.

Unzipping his bag, he took out a small blue book.

This was his personal journal. Every day, he would write in it, telling all about his crush, his innermost thoughts and feelings and releasing pent up anger.

Taking a pen clipped to the cover, he opened it up to a new page.

He began to write.

"Wednesday. Today, Kevin kissed me! Multiple times! Oh joy of joys! I must pinch myself! I think he likes me back! What to do.''

Leaving it there, he slid it back inside the secret compartment in his bag and strolled out of the bathroom, feeling like the luckiest boy in the world.


Hope it was worth the wait :)

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