10; gummy snakes & tattoos

Start from the beginning

"because you're going too." seokjin replied as he shoved a t-shirt in Taehyungs duffle bag.

"why am i going?" Taehyung asked.

"jeongguk said." seokjin sighed.

"are you going?"

"no sweetie, but yoongi hyung is." seokjin smiled. Taehyung smiled too on hearing yoongi was also going and he was a little excited too because he was finally getting out of this mansion.

Taehyung suddenly pouted. "how long will we be gone?"

"you're staying there for a night."

"b-but i'll miss you." Taehyung muttered sadly, looking at seokjin with teary eyes.

"its okay. If you take the plushy you'll  remember me."

Taehyung giggled, caressing his teddy bear. "okay." he smiled.

"here you go. Lets go downstairs, its time to go." seokjin gave the bag to Taehyung who took it with a big huff as it was very heavy.

He trudged downstairs, seeing jeongguks very large team waiting at the front of the house. They all adorned black attire with heavy vests and combat boots too, making all of them look very intimidating.

Taehyung looked at what he was wearing. It was a big oversized blue hoodie with just baggy pants for his bottoms. He bit his lip in embarrassment, realising he stood out from everyone.

He looked up when he saw jeongguk enter. He too was wearing all black. A black top which showed his tatted arms off, with black skinny jeans that fit his thick thighs, black boots and also a black cap like the others. Taehyung thought he looked more intimidating wearing this than his usual suit he wore everyday. Maybe because his tattoos were showing.

"lets go. We have no time to waste." jeongguk said gruffly as he ordered everyone to go outside.

Taehyung gasped when he saw yoongi. "hyung." he murmured excitedly  and ran down the stairs to give yoongi a quick hug.

The older smiled, showing his gummy teeth a little. "you're coming too?" he asked when he saw the duffle bag.

Taehyung nodded."yes. c-can i sit with you?" he asked shyly.

Jeongguk frowned instantly and grabbed taehyungs elbow, pulling him next to him. "you're my secretary so you're coming with me." he ordered firmly.

Taehyung pouted, looking at yoongi sadly. "sorry hyung."

Yoongi chuckled. "maybe next time." he said before walking off.

Jeongguk grabbed taehyungs elbow and started dragging him outside. Taehyung was shocked and he quickly got his bag and tried to look at seokjin.

"bye hyungie!" he yelled before jeongguk had successfully got him outside and near his car.

The young boy stared at the Mercedes Benz E-class in front of him. "this is your car?" he asked jeongguk quietly.

The man nodded his head and heard taehyung gasp loudly. "wow." he breathed out on seeing such an expensive car- one he'll actually get to ride in.

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