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"TADAAA! Doesn't it look super cool?!"

"...... Larry that's just a slingshot."

"Excuse me?!" Larry cried at Miles's response as it was the most ridiculous thing ever, "I had to beg 15 dollars for this slingshot! Look at it more carefully!"

Summer vacation was coming to an end for that year. With the trio already went to their respective vacations with families or relatives alike, spending their last days before school together at the usual park was expected. Funny enough, calls from home weren't needed. At 3 PM sharp, Phoenix, Miles, and Larry already gathered at the swing nearby, recalling stories of their breaks or just goofing around like, you know, children.

Larry, oddly enough, hid his hands through the entire convo until Phoenix asked him about it (more specifically why was he grinning like a Happy Meal box) and that brings us to present time.

Phoenix squinted on Larry's slingshot, observing it. "It looks too normal to have that price..."

Miles shook his head. "He was scammed."

"I DIDN'T GET SCAMMED!" Larry let out another cry. "What if I tell you this is a limited edition slingshot from the Steel Samurai, huh?!"

That statement changed Phoenix and Miles expression immediately, on which Larry smirked at their reaction.

"Seriously? You mean the slingshot that the kid used to help Steel Samurai distract the bad guys?!"

"Haha, yep! Spot on, Nick!"

"N-No way... it does have the same pattern from the show..." Miles stammered. "And at the end of the episode, Steel Samurai gave a mark to the slingshot as a sign of gratitude to the child.."

"Oh yeah, I remember now!" Phoenix said, smiling. "As expected from you, Miles! You can remember every detail from the episodes!"

The grey haired boy quickly looked the other way, "It's not something to fuss about..."

"Ha, don't worry Nick, that's just Miles's way to say 'I'm a true Steel Samurai nerd'!" Larry laughed but Miles came quickly to shut him up with his free hand, frowning. Now it's Phoenix's turn to laugh.

Their little meeting had to come to an end as it was getting dark. After saying their goodbyes, Miles walked alone to the opposite pathway as he watched the sun slowly descending. He stopped at one point on his way home, still staring at the orange sky. His eyebrows are furrowed (well, he does it quite a lot) but caused by a different thought, however.

He wanted that toy.

He felt dared to do something that he rarely does for himself, believing that he doesn't need it and the last thing he wants to do is to disturb another one's way. Well, specifically speaking, towards his own father.

'..... No hurt in trying, Miles.'

If his bravery allows it, he may have a tiny request to his parent.



"I'm home."

"Welcome home, Miles. Did you had fun?" Gregory Edgeworth, his father and respected defense attorney, called him from the kitchen. Miles could feel his mouth curving up a little, his legs carrying him to the counter a bit more excited than usual.

"So?" After turning off the stove, Gregory turned to his son. "What did you do with Phoenix and Larry today?"

"Um," Miles looked down to his own feet. Was he always this nervous? "Larry brought a slingshot with him."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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