dont ever do that to me again!!!!!

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"This can't be happening" I heard Oppa whimper.

I weakly opened my eyes and grabbed Oppa's hands.

I heard someone gasp.

Oppa looked down me with wide red puffy eyes.

He quickly grabbed both sides of my face and slammed his lips to mine.

I kissed back and he pulled away.

"Dont you ever do that to me again!!" He exclaimed burying his head into my shoulder as tears of happiness streamed down everyone's face.

Next thing I knew everyone was hugging me except the doctors.

"Oh my god..." Kyong muttered into my chest.

She pulled away crying.

"I thought we lost you... I don't know what I would of done without you! Your like a big sister to me!" She cried.

I felt tears stream down my face.

"I'm back and I don't plan on leaving again any time soon!" I exclaimed hugging them all back.

They pulled away and I let out a small cough

"Sir come with us we have to get her to the emergency room immediately so she doesn't go under again!!" One of the doctors exclaimed.

Suddenly my bed was being pulled into a room and I was being injected and poked with all sorts if stuff.

Jiyoung's POV

I smiled looking down at my butterfly as she slowly fluttered her eyes open still a little hazy with all the drugs that were in her.

"Hey butterfly " I muttered placing my hand in her cheek.

She smiled and placed her hand over mine a single tear running down her face.

I smiled and kissed it away.

She blushed lightly before kissing me full on.

I slid my tongue across her bottom lip and she opens her mouth and wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me over so I was straddling her while hovering over her with my hands in either side of her head.

I smiled and pulled away blushing.

I grabbed her hand and pushed the ring back onto her hand.

"Three weeks" she stayed.

I looked at her confused.

"For Three weeks I've wanted to kiss you" she e mumbled.

"Why didn't you?" I asked seriously.

"I thought it wouldn't hurt as much if you could get over me" she looked down at her hands.

I cupped her checking cheek in my hand.

"I would never be able to get over you even dead! I'd just buy a ton of cats and name them after memories we have had" I tried to lighten the mood.

She giggled when suddenly we heard yelling and there was flashing at the door.

I quickly stood up and saw it paparazzi.

"Is it true you had cancer?!"

"Are you guys back together?"

"Do you love her"

"Will she be able to leave soon"

They began yelling.

I sighed and pecked Kim on the lips before leading the paparazzi out shutting the door behind me and answering as many questions I could until they got kicked out by security.

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