Start from the beginning

Seeing them in the hospital, Cyane had gone to their room and had initiated a conversation with the couple. Cyane had bonded with them after realizing they shared a lot of common interests. Mel had also shared with Cyane that she was an orphan and Winnie had been her schoolmate and that's how they had met and fallen in love.

However, Winnie's parents and brother, who were homophobic had refused to accept their daughter's sexuality or her relationship. Things had been rough at Winnie's home to the point where she was physically abused by her father and brother. To keep her in line, they blackmailed her by threatening to abuse her little sister Elvi.

Winnie was only seventeen and a minor, which made it difficult for her to stand up against her parents to save Elvi. Mel, though an adult, was only nineteen and worked several odd jobs just to keep food on her plate.

Cyane had felt sympathetic to their plight and had vowed to help them any way she possibly could.

When Winnie had been given the all-clear sign to go home, she had chosen to return to her parents, much to the protest of Mel and Yolanda. Cyane had watched her be brave and accept her fate, just to protect her sister and admired it, though she had her fears. When she had gotten the news that Winnie's parents had obtained a restraining order against Mel, she had been scared because Mel had been forced to leave town after that.

So, she had sent Mr Black after Winnie and had asked him to make sure she was safe.

All her fears came true when three weeks later, Mr Black had returned and had been flapping his wings repeatedly to tell her that something bad was going to happen to Winnie.

He had led her to a narrow road passing through the woods and Cyane remembered following a silver car. She had stopped in the middle of the road, forcing the driver to bring the vehicle to an abrupt halt.

Her eyes had widened in shock when she had seen a puffy-eyed Winnie in a bridal dress with her parents and brother and had immediately realized that Winnie's parents were forcing her to marry a man regardless of her choice and age.

Cyane knew how it felt to be forced to do something they didn't want to do and she knew she couldn't let Winnie go through that.

When they had started scolding her for coming out of nowhere in the middle of the road, Cyane had requested Winnie's father to not to commit such a huge mistake. He had then started insulting her and Winnie had begged Cyane to leave, saying she wouldn't understand. Cyane had known that they were blackmailing her again with her little sister Elvi, who had also been in the back seat and had watched the whole scenario with a tear-stained face. She also remembered Winnie's cruel brother, Kurtis, passing a derogatory comment and raising his fist to her that had enraged her so much that she had twisted his arm. While he had been crying in pain, Winnie had begged her to leave and not cause any trouble.

It had hurt Cyane, but she knew why Winnie had been saying those things. Cyane had tried to make Winnie understand that Yolanda could help her but Winnie hadn't listened and after Kurtis had thrown some filthy words at her, they had driven off, while she had watched them leave helplessly.

Afterwards... afterwards, she remembered waking up in the Moonflower Community Hospital with no injuries whatsoever.

It was Yolanda's husband, Lysander Zeke, who had found her lying in the middle of the road. After failing to wake her up, he had carried her to his car to get her to the hospital. But he had been in for a rude shock, when almost three kilometres from where he had found Cyane, he had found the charred remains of a car with nobody inside but several broken bones and heaps of ashes around it.

Yolanda's husband had asked her several questions and Cyane knew he had found her suspicious but she hadn't been injured or hurt anywhere. There had been no traces of blood on her and she had been helpless in the investigation. The forensic team had repeatedly said that the bodies had been torn with claws and jaws of an animal, even they couldn't point out.

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