#1 : Lincoln and the giant peach

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*It was normal sunny day at the loud house, Lincoln was watching television on an friday afternoon*

Lincoln:*narrates* Remember what I said that its almost impossible to get a moments peace? Well, my sisters are out today, which means I have the entire house to myself for the next 2 hours. Watching Tv, wearing my undies,... and time to myself

*Lori suddenly barged in through the door crying while carrying her shopping bags as she runs to her room*

Lincoln: Hm?

*Lincoln, with his clothes on, goes up to check on his sister. She was hiding under her bed covers crying*

Lincoln: Lori, are you ok?

Lori: No, now get out of my room!

* Lincoln felt concern for Lori, he sits down, next to here*

Lori: Lincoln, if you are still in here, I'll.....I'll

*Lori countinued crying a river*

Lincoln: Lori, come on, what's wrong ?

Lori: Why, so you can make fun of me?

Lincoln: Why would I make fun of you?

Lori: Fine, but do you PROMISE not to make fun of me?

Lincoln: I promise not make fun of you

Lori:*sigh*...D-does my butt look fat?

* as the covers were lifted, right in front of Lincoln was his sister's big round peachy rear end, he stares looking blankly at it*

Lori: Lincoln, I don't have all day, yes or no?

* Lori , poking her head out, turned around to discover that Lincoln was gone*

Lori: Ooook, good talk

* She got a suspision, Lincoln was in his room with his back against the door with a nervous look on his face*

Lincoln: What just happened!?

*Time passed, all the Louds were home, Lynn Senior just finished making dinner*

Lynn Sr: Alright Fam, dig in

* Lincoln sat down at the table, but he wasn't expecting the oldest of his sisters to be sitting RIGHT next to him*

Lori: Oh, Lincoln

Lincoln: Oh L-Lori *gulp*

Lori: I'm sorry for rushing you for an answer, I should have talked it out with you

Lincoln: No no no, I should've have mind my own business, I knew better not to go in your room uninvited

Leni: You and Lori have your own rooms, where do I sleep now?

Lori: Leni, we sleep in the same room

Leni: So I can't stay there anymore? *cries on the couch*

Lori: I'll handle this

*Lincoln looks back at Lori as she walks, But snaps out of it instantly*
Lincoln: I need help

*That night, Lincoln had dream about hugging Lori's butt*

Lincoln: Oh man, this feels soooo nice Ahhhh~

Lori: Lincoln?!

Lincoln: Lori?? N-no it's not what you think

Lori: I don't want to hear it, you literally digust me!

Rita: Lincoln loud, you're grounded, FOREVER


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