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March 21st


(Y/N)'s mom refuses to admit that she knows where she is. We know that she knows and she knows we know that she knows so I don't know why she keeps lying to us. There is no point anymore.

I haven't found any other evidence of where (Y/N) could be. Catherine and Philip refuse to go to the police about this so it's obvious they are up to something. Did they kidnap their own children? What if they killed them?

I'm going crazy.

I can't handle this any longer.

I sigh and turn (Y/N)'s lamp off. I can't sleep unless I'm in her room. Most the time I can't even sleep when I'm in her room. The thought of (Y/N) being dead or hurt or anywhere but here haunts me. Every. Single. Night.

Every night I think what if I never find her? What if I do and she is dead? What if I'm already too late? What if...

My brain is exhausted. I drift off to sleep, a million thoughts still running through my mind in circles.


In Thomas' dream

"Dad! Look! I drew a picture for you!" A small kid says, smiling up at Thomas. He smiles at her with a pain in his eyes. He knows it's the same dream he has every night. He takes the drawing, as he does every time. "It's a meadow! Thank you kiddo." Thomas tells the little girl. She smiles. She smiles just the way (Y/N) does. Or did. "Meadow, Thomas, dinner is ready!" He hears
(Y/N)'s voice call from the kitchen of a quaint yet comfy house. They both leave the living room and go to the kitchen. (Y/N) isn't there. Thomas has never gotten this far in the dream.
"(Y/N)? Where are you?" He asks. "Do you want this to be your life?" Thomas hears (Y/N)'s voice say from a distance. He couldn't tell from where. "Yes, of course I do. I want us to make a family together one day!" Thomas says, wishing the real (Y/N) would hear him. "Too bad I'm already gone. You're too late, Thomas." (Y/N) tells him. He begins to cry. "No... don't say that. You're still out there." Thomas says. "Why didn't you love (Y/N) and me enough to have me?" Meadow asks. "No! I love you and (Y/N) more than anything in the world, Meadow. Please be real..." He says, crying harder. "We could have had this small house in L-"

He wakes up, in tears.


"Fuck!" I whisper yell. I was just about to find out where the house was. Where we would live. Where I could have spent the rest of my life with
(Y/N) and Meadow. Where I could...


What if my dream is trying to tell me something? Like where (Y/N) is?

Okay yeah. I am definitely going crazy.


I can't sleep. I haven't been able to sleep for more than three hours a night since November. I look at my Instagram feed since I can't do anything else, really.

... I wonder how Thomas is doing?

It wouldn't hurt to check his Instagram. Just stalking my ex best friend. Not weird, right? I search his username and tap on his profile. "Huh," I say as I notice I'm in his most recent post. It was posted on November fifth. The day Maria hit us...

The day we watched my favourite movie and cuddled on my special chair. I smile at the picture, taking in every detail. I was on him asleep and he had a wide smile as he rested his chin on my head. I look at the comments.

@angelicaschuyler: Someone seems to like my baby sister

@andpeggyofficial: I SHIP I SHIP I SHIP

@turtlelaurens: You guys need to cut the crap and get married already

@alexanderhammyham: ^^^

@jamesmadison: UwU

@mariaaaaaaaaa: Ew

I roll my eyes at the last comment, but smile at the others. Especially Johns. I miss him so much. I look at the rest of Thomas' feed and go all the way back to August. I notice that from August forward he only ever posted things of us.

Or just him taking a picture of me alone.

I go back to August twenty first. I remember him randomly asking if I wanted to take a selfie. I said no, but he took one with me anyways. He posted it as soon as we went back to our dorms. The caption said: "Just walked through the city with the prettiest girl" I laugh at how cringey the caption is.

Then a tear falls down my face. Just look at how happy we looked. Why did life have to change that?

I go through all of the pictures.

Then there is a video of us singing "Shut Up and Dance With Me" in the car. That was so fun. I laugh at the sight of John just jamming by himself in the back while everyone else just sits there confused. Eventually Peggy joins him. I didn't even realize that happened.

I see another video of the first he saw me without makeup. "Say cheese!" Thomas said in the video. I kept my hands on my face and shook my head no. He laughed. That adorable laugh... "Please?" He asked. "No!" I told him. He sighed. "For me?" He cooed. "No!" I said again. The video goes on and I think about how I probably actually had a really good chance with Thomas. Why am I only realizing this now?

Eliza walks into my room. She notices Thomas and my voice on my phone. "Stop dwelling on the past. That part of our life is over and I don't think it'll ever come back. Grow up, Theodosia."

"The fact that we are completely alone and you still call me Theodosia hurts. It's like you changed!" I tell her. "Yeah, that's the point." She says rudely. "Well I don't like this version of you. I miss the old Eliza. Don't you miss her? Don't you miss our lives? ...don't you miss (Y/N)?" I ask her.

She doesn't answer. I can't even read her emotions anymore. She used to be an open book. "Why do you care so much about our life back in Massachusetts?" She questions. "I don't know about you, but at Harvard I met the most amazing people I ever have before. They were the family I never really had." I say, mumbling the last part.

"Excuse me? What do you mean the family you never had?" She asks, looking offended. "Oh come on, Eliza! We all know mom and dad don't like me. I'm the disappointment. I'm the fourth wheel. I'm the mistake." I tell her, beginning to cry a bit. "It's not like-" I cut her off. "YES IT IS LIKE THAT." We go silent for a moment.

"How do you not care that we lost everyone? We even lost each other and you don't even care about that!" I yell. I see her eyes begin to tear up. "Even though you, Angelica and Peggy are closest, you have ALWAYS been my favourite sister. I have always been closer to you than them. I love you more than anything in this life. Even our old one. I didn't give it up because mom and dad told me to I gave it up for you! Yet you're pushing me away!" I rant.

"I DIDN'T WANT TO SEEM WEAK IN FRONT OF YOU." She cries out. Oh. "What..? Why? It's okay to be upset about this! We should be upset about this!" I tell her. "You are just so strong and cool. I wish I was more like you." She admits. "More like me? I want to be more like you! You're my role model!" I tell her. She runs to hug me. I hug her back. I haven't hugged someone in a really really really long while.

"For the record, you're my favourite sister and I am much closer to you than anyone." Eliza whispers to me.

I really needed to hear that.

Skater Girl | Thomas Jefferson x Schuyler!Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now