Cat Foods, John, And A Night

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Arlo wasn't the type to be fond of felines, but his conscience was killing him. Drenched in the rain in front of his door was a small, black kitten.

Judging from it's size, it seemed to be around 2 months old. It looked really weak, and it also has some wounds. The blond was sure that if he just left it in front of his door, the kitten wouldn't survive.

So there he is now, wrapping a towel towards the poor thing, all while browsing the net, not knowing what to do.

Warmth, milk and what next? Arlo doesn't have any knowledge about taking care of this kind of... Creatures. He didn't even liked cats. They hiss, and scratch you at any attempt of petting them, and they're jerks.

They're like the animal equivalent of John, and Arlo hated them.

Still, even if he hated John, if ever he saw him in front of his door drenched in the rain and covered in wounds, he'd still help him.

Arlo wasn't that terrible

And so, there he was, nursing this creature. He've already given it a lukewarm bath, cleaning it's wounds. The internet said that he shouldn't clean the wounds with alcohol or with hydrogen peroxide, and since he doesn't really have any proper medicine, he just washed it it warm water, and some soap.

It was even hissing at him as he did, inflicting some scratches on his hands and arms while he's doing it. The kitten really did reminded him of John, and with it's black fur, golden eyes and aggressive personality.

The cat was male too, and Arlo couldn't pick any more fitting person to name it after.


From now on, he's calling it John. It would only be for awhile though, once the kitten has gotten much healthier, he'll give it to Elaine, or maybe Remi. Then, they could give whatever name they want.

Arlo couldn't really imagine taking care of this disaster for a long time.

Still, since the kitten was living here now, he'll have to give it some food. Arlo have researched about it, and he've learned that he needs to feed it 4x a day with some canned food made for kittens. Since the blond doesn't really own any cats, he obviously doesn't have anything to feed it with.

As a result, the blond headed for shopping.  He made it quick since no one would look after the feline. He just bough a couple of cat food, cat milk, two bowls, and... A small sweater for kitten that Arlo found on sale.

As soon as he got home, he fed it immediately. It was weird, he was excited with seeing it eat, and when he petted it once it was done eating, it didn't hissed, scratched--- or attempted to bite him.

Instead, it purred, it nuzzled it's head on Arlo's hands, and maybe, owning a feline isn't so bad.


3 months have passed since Arlo adopted the kitten, or a cat now-- and the blond was almost freaking out rushing to the grocery.

He'll buy John other types of cat foods, since his cat didn't ate anything he gave him. Was he getting tired of the taste? Arlo couldn't tell what was wrong. His cat has been, lying the whole day, refusing to eat.

Usually, when he calls it's name after getting home, it would approach and nuzzle him on his legs, and even sit on his lap, but today, there was no response. The bowl he left there before going to his university was also untouched, and it was concerning.

It was almost night now, and Arlo still couldn't tell what was wrong. All he knows is, that doesn't want his cat to die from starvation.

Thus, he grabbed every kind of cat foods he could find-- anything as long as his cat would eat, and he did it with speed.

Cat Foods, John, And A Night : UnOrdinary (Arlo x John) [Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now