Not letting go

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Hawkmoth was in a tall building everything around was destroyed the heroes some of them were down fighting a very dangerous sentimonster

What happened ? He ask them notice someone hanging from the side

He went there then notice Mayura she was hanging he had to help her

Mayura give me your other hand

I can't

Why ?

Someone pulling it down

He held the hand that was keeping her hanging then he saw down the sentimonster taking her and pulling her down

Hawkmoth you have to let me go

No...I'm never letting you go

You have too it's the only way to save everyone

No! It can't end like this


Then she let go of his hand then she fell with the monster taking her

Mayura !!!

Then he woke up He was sweating a lot he got up then ran to Nathalies room He opened it and slowly saw her sleeping

Then he went next to her Nathalie woke up then saw her boss scared

Sir what happe---

She didn't finished he just hugged her tightly Nathalie was too shock of what just happened so she hugged back to make him feel better

Gabriel what's wrong ?

I had a dream....I saw you hanging ...then you tell I can't loose you too I just can't

Aww Gabriel that's just a nightmare it won't happened and if I die at least you'll have emilie b--

She didn't finished again when gabriel kissed her in the lips she kissed back then later pulled apart

Nathalie I'm not letting you die ...not even a slight I'm giving up

But what about the plan ?

There will be no more plan the o my thing I need is you and adrien in my life

Are you sure ?


Do you wanna sleep with me ?

Can I ?

Of course

Then the two slept through the night holding each other

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