Death note

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Gabriel was at his office Nathalie was at the kitchen making coffee before she left she gave him the papers he needed to sign he notice a envelope with a paper inside there was a writing on the envelope it said

Don't read this when I'm still alive

He didn't thought it was important so he opened the letter it was ment for him

Dear gabriel

If your reading this then that means you won you succeeded in bringing emilie back she's with you now your probably wondering why I didn't go with you when your gonna make the wish but the truth is I'm dead I was the price but I don't mind if I'm dead at least your happy adrien is happy your a whole family again but pls when you have her back be a good father to adrien spend time with him I'm being honest with you I never enjoyed life anyway your probably wondering what my happiness will it's you your my happiness seeing you makes me feel happy I hope when your reading this you still remember me even if I don't exist anymore I have one last thing to say to you

I love you Gabriel for along time now I know you won't accept my feelings cause your with emilie but I know that already I was born to be nobody goodbye I hope your happy of what you have but remember this

You can't have anything you want even if life doesn't give you the gifts you were hoping for the real gift is life itself

When he finished he cried he haven't gotten the miraculous yet but he needed to see her to know that she's safe she's alive he rushed out of the room and went to the kitchen he saw Nathalie standing there with her coffee he calm down then went to her

Sir are you ok?

He didn't response he just held her up and kissed her she was too shock she kissed back of this was a dream she never wanna wake up he pulled away and hugged her

I thought I lost you


I read you note and I thought I lost you

Wait what note?

The death note you made

Wait you found it.... You really can't read instructions huh?

Nathalie I'm giving up on emilie


If having her back means loosing you then I might as well accept that she didn't exist at all I love you I can't loose you

I love you too and don't worry you won't loose me

You promise Nath

Well if I die ...

No you won't die cause of you die I die too

Ok put me down


Want some coffee ?

Yes my love

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