Your mine

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Nathalie was on a party it was penny's birthday jagged planned a suprise party for her his girlfriend that's right penny and jagged are dating

She went to one of the drink section then got a drink then a man approached her

Hey miss enjoying the party ?

Yes I'm so happy for penny 

Me too by the way I'm Luke yo seem pretty nice 's?

Nathalie Sancouer

Hey Luke come on we need to leave
Oh I need to go hope to see you again

Then the guy kissed her hand Nathalie blushed but no she can't cause she likes Gabriel but Gabriel doesn't like her she went out of ty3 building to walk back to her apartment then someone grabbed her and kissed her she was shock then they pulled away he saw hawkmoth

Hmm you taste good


You taste good I said

What are you doing here people might see you

Then good thing there was no one he de transformed back to his civilian

I saw that man kissed your hand


Your mine ...your my Nathalie not his

Lets go home said nathalie

Then they went to her apartment and had tea

How did you know where you stalking me?



Fine I was

Were you jealous ?

Me ? Jealous ? No way !! We're just friends

Oh ok then maybe I should say yes to when he offered me to be his girlfriend ...


Why like to you said were just friends so you can't do anything about it


Then he lifted her up

Hey put me down!!

Never until you say that you don't like the guy

No not until you admit that you were jealous

Fine I was jealous you happy ?

Yes also don't worry I don't like the guy anyway

Good to hear cause I don't like you

Bitch out me down now!!!!!


Why you don't even like me !!

That a right cause I love you

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